I've noted a lot of chatter on the lists lately about CALEA and WISP
obligations. Robert Primosch from Wilkinson, Barker, Knauer, LLP -- a
top DC law firm dealing with spectrum and regulatory issues -- has
written a 1,000 word article specifically for WISPs on the topic. The
article is currently posted within the "Featured Content" section on the
AlvarionCOMNET Web site which will reside at comnet.alvarion.com) once I
have final corporate signoff to go live with already completed site).
That section is intended to deliver information to member WISPs that
will better equip them business managers

Meanwhile, here are a few excerpts of Robert's article:

By Robert Primosch, Wilkinson, Barker, Knauer, LLP

"The FCC now requires wireless providers of broadband service (including
interconnected VoIP service) to comply with the Communications
Assistance for Law Enforcement Act ("CALEA").  This means that WISPs
must equip their facilities to permit law enforcement agencies to
monitor and intercept subscriber communications, assuming they have
obtained a court order to do so.  WISPs must be CALEA-compliant by May
14, 2007...
... As of May 14, 2007, however, a wireless broadband operator's network
must be capable of separating that subscriber information which law
enforcement is entitled to from the subscriber...

... Wireless broadband networks also must have "intercept access points"
or "IAPs" which are those points at which a law enforcement agency can
access the service provider's...

... A wireless broadband operator is entitled to be compensated for
"reasonable expenses" incurred when providing facilities or assistance
for a law enforcement intercept...

... a wireless broadband operator is responsible for paying its own
CALEA compliance costs..."


Patrick Leary
AVP WISP Markets
Alvarion, Inc.
o: 650.314.2628
c: 760.580.0080
Vonage: 650.641.1243

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