You need to look at Nera, Ceragon, and Gigacom.
The Gigacom product is the only one that you can get any real long distance out 
of depending on the freq. They have licensed radios that perform very well in 
the rainforest of South America at very long distance. 60k or 40 miles for some 
applications at speeds of up to a Gig. One of if not the best Gig. radio on the 
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tue, 12 Dec 2006 11:44 AM
Subject: Re: [WISPA] high throughput backhaul options

John Scrivner wrote: 
> Wow! Business must be good! 
That depends on your perspective. We have a ton of orders and are racing to 
service them all. The more we install the more capacity upgrades we have to do 
meaning even more installs. This kind of growth is extremely challenging 
because if it isn't done correctly we can destroy the company. 
> Look at licensed. I know that is obvious but I think it is the only > way 
> short of bonding Orthogons together. I thought the max distance > for 70 GHz 
> gbps radios was about 7 miles. It has been a while since I > read the specs. 
> I am sure the rain fade would be an issue here. There > is actually much less 
> attenuation of 70 GHz than there is at 60 GHz. > There is a spike of 
> absorption of 60 GHz where water molecules eat > that signal. It gets better 
> above 60 GHz. I believe that you can go > through the air better with as high 
> as 100 GHz than what you can with > 60 GHz. Obviously there are other 
> licensed options in lower frequency > space as well. I know Charles has some 
> experience running licensed > high capacity backhaul. Charles, what do you 
> run for backhaul over 100 > mbps FDX? 
Licensed doesn't make a lot of sense for us. We simply don't have the ability 
to predict where are growth is coming from. We routinely upgrade existing 
backhauls and/or reconnect our POPs together in different ways to increase our 
capacity and redundancy. With licensed we are forced to have a static 
> I thought 24 GHz unlicensed had limited bandspace which made the top > end 
> about 100 mbps FDX? 
DragonWave seems to have a 24Ghz unlicensed product that can do 200Mbps full 
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