When a market knows it must contend with fraudulent product AND that a
good percentage of that market will support the fraud, what's the
decision you think vendors will make when it comes to prioritizing
investments in this business? Licensed or unlicensed? WISPs or a market
segment that buys only legal product? For Pete's sake people, you think
your actions don't have actual consequences just because you are staying
within the legal power limits? Some of you make guys make the jobs of
guys like me who seriously give a rip real, real hard.

So then while I congratulate Lonnie's innovation, he needs to come clean
and go legal. Sorry Lonnie, but yes if you are doing this it does gall
me. It galls me when folks outside our borders go around the legal paths
to our market. It's cheesy. It's dishonest. It's anti-competitive. And
it's simply illegal. You've done all the work, why not go legal? If not,
do you have any right to complain if someone copies your soft work and
sells it as his own? Or do you think, "Hey, that's different, he's
damaging me!" 

You guys may not like the rules, but they are there and the rest of us
have to abide by them and incur all the expense required to play by the

And if you are an operator reading this, do you really think staying
under the legal power limit makes you righteous? It makes you no more
righteous that a guy beside you on the tower that does a beautiful NEC
poster child of an install but does not have legal right to use the

I know many find this attitude insulting and I know as a vendor I'm
supposed to just hold my tongue so as not to piss people off, because
there will be those who might say, "Because of that attitude I've never
buy one Alvarion radio!" Maybe so, but I can accept that because this
stuff weakens all WISPs claims, all attempts to be regarded as
legitimate players, and it sucker punches all of us who fight on your

For sure, in doing so you can't ever complain about the person that
sneaks into the ball game for free, right behind home plate, while you
and your family paid. Don't you ever complain that your neighbor's kid
gets a student grant because his parents hide income when yours can't
qualify because your family makes "too much." Don't you ever complain
about a rancher or farmer getting over on you on water rights because no
one's looking. And don't complain about the Yahoo next door using an
illegal amp.

Illegal WISPs equivocate by saying, "Hey, I'm within the power limits.
I'm not hurting anyone." Well, it's not true. You are hurting every
legitimate WISP and every legitimate vendor, and in turn you hurt the
entire industry. And some WISPs have the gall to say, why won't someone
build X? Well, maybe because so many WISPs to save themselves a buck
will buy illegal product that it discourages investment from legit
players. When a market knows it must contend with fraudulent product AND
that a good percentage of that market will support the fraud, what's the
decision you think vendors will make when it comes to prioritizing

And if I was a legal operator in the same market as an illegal
competitor, I'd for sure use that against them with respect to winning
roof and tower rights, fighting their interference in court, and
informing their customers of the risks. And that'd all be an entirely
fair and ethical approach.

Rant off. Sigh. G'night. Be safe this New Years. ...and BE LEGAL!


-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of George Rogato
Sent: Thursday, December 28, 2006 11:36 PM
To: WISPA General List
Subject: Re: [WISPA] StarOS or Microtik with TRCPQ clients...

Then you must not be aware that Lonnie is now also selling the complete 
The newest product is Star V3, Atheros cm9 and a gateworks customized 
board to Lonnies specs.

It's called the WAR board, or Wireless Advanced Router. They come in 2 
flavors, a 4 port 533MHz proc or a 2 port 266MHz proc, both with 2 
ethernets. Can do 5, 10, 20,,40MHz channel widths.

I have  better than 200 maybe 250 by now WAR boards in place with Pac 
Wireless Rootennas both 5 gig and 2 gig.

Recently I built a new pop using a water tank. My transfer rate from the

tank to my house gave me just under 30megs ftp across that link using a 
pair of 266's.

Most of the links I put in are 5 gig and I use the 2nd port for a 2 gig 
wifi ap for the immediate area.

I can honestly say that I can not remember having to reboot any of my 
war boards and 20 megs is not uncommon across my wireless man.

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