On Fri, 12 Jan 2007, Tom DeReggi wrote:

Why do people that prefer FreeBSD prefer FreeBSD?

I prefer FreeBSD (rather BSD in general) MOSTLY because that's what I know best. FreeBSD, also, is (generally) not built to be a desktop OS, but a server platform. I know there are Linux distros that are built specifically to be servers, but I'm not as familiar with them. Perhaps the most important reason for me, though, is that Linux is getting more and more popular, and as that grows, the hackers will begin to target those systems similar to the way MS is now targeted. This trend is already starting, so I will take any advantage (real or perceived) that I can get.

There are some other more technical answers, but I don't want to get into those details.

Butch Evans
Network Engineering and Security Consulting
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