Marlon K. Schafer (509) 982-2181 wrote:

There are already standards in place on what and how to do this for the DSL industry, cable is working on a standard. The conversation was more technical than I can recall word for word, but it sounds like it would be a very very good idea for us to either adopt an existing CALEA standard or develop one for our industry. Anyone care to head up a committee on the topic???

Me heading up a committe right now isn't really in the cards, but I do want to add my $0.02....

Technically this isn't really a problem. All that is needed is for you to be able to run a packet sniffer in the right spot on your network.

On my core router (which happens to be Open Source based), I would just need to do something like :

tcpdump -i vlan23 -C 1000000 -w caleaoutput  host

This would produce a set of raw dump files containing the requested packets which could then be transfered to law enforcement.

If you have a managed switch, having a linux box plugged into a mirrored switchport facing the client would permit you to do this.

The hard part is how to provide this to law enforcement. I think perhaps just putting these files on a SFTP or password-protected https:// site might be sufficient.


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