Hi John,
Just a thought, go and dig up all the horror stories about the back hoe operators that dig up lines and truck drivers that run over poles. And send that to them. I am lucky the fibre that I use belongs to the utility and my NOC is at their Water tower that they need to monitor, so I have redundancy built in. I can't say the same for the hospital half a block away.

You have a Good Day now,

Carl A Jeptha
Office Phone: 905 349-2084
Office Hours: 9:00am - 5:00pm
skype cajeptha

John Scrivner wrote:
As I have stated before, the health care providers in this area have it in their minds (and their policy manuals) that wireless of any kind will not be suitable for their needs, period. It has nothing to do with technical reality. It has to do with perception and corporate policy. Basically health care interests here are not just saying no, they are saying hell no. It is a hard sell for me at this point and the only vendor who has supplied me with any backup is one I do not even buy from, Bridgewave. They sent me technical DOCs, testimonials, etc. from health care interests. I passed it along to the health care providers in this area and you could hear crickets, right before the next hell no. This is frustrating to say the least. If Alvarion or anyone else wants to help me I am sure I would take the help. It is in all your best interests since I am not the only wireless provider effected by this black-balling of our industry by health care interests in my region.

Peter R. wrote:

Certainly, licensed wireless links and managed firewall delivered by your team would be cheaper to deliver; faster to deploy; and just as reliable as fiber?


Peter Radizeski

John Scrivner wrote:

I am afraid they will just build fiber business plans and not give wireless a second thought. Why should they consider wireless if they can get fiber for virtually free? Like I said...Grrrrr.

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