
I was just trying to determine if the problems you're experiencing were due to:

a) Equipment Certification Issues - Use of equipment that had "dirty" transmitters.

b) Overpower Issues - Running too much power.

c) Uncoordinated Frequency Issues - Legal power and clean transmitters but transmitting on frequencies and/or using antenna polarizations that you or others were already using.

Per the original thread topic, I was trying to determine if the interference was caused by the use of uncertified equipment or not. Sorry if I didn't ask my questions clearly. Depending on the cause of the problem, the solutions are somewhat different and the FCC reporting that you may want to do (or have done) would be focused somewhat differently.

I know you'll be careful about not adding too many new customers while you are experiencing the problem of having your current customer's service interrupted by this "interference".

If you get in a bind, I know a guy who is pretty good at helping to solve interference problems (nod, nod, wink, wink) who you could probably pay to come up and help you figure out what's going on and what you could do to minimize the impact of this interference on your system. Hit me offline if you want more info.


P.S. - I agree that arrogant jerks like this usually do themselves in and eventually go away. The question is how much damage will he do before he self-destructs?

Marlon K. Schafer wrote:

----- Original Message ----- From: "Jack Unger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "WISPA General List" <>
Sent: Thursday, February 08, 2007 9:58 PM
Subject: Re: [WISPA] My Hypothetical Conversation with Julius Knapp, ChiefofOET


Thank you for your very interesting post. I would have to say that I agree with most of the sentiments that you've expressed. There is however ONE point that perhaps you would clarify. You said that you have operators in your area "running illegal networks... and the WHOLE market is suffering due to their massive amounts of interference". Is this interference due to:

a) The "bad" operators are using uncertified equipment that is "dirty" - thats radiating high-power spurious emissions that are either too loud or too wide in frequency or both?

Too many options :-).

b) The baddes are exceeding the + 36 dBm EIRP limit?

They either have a tower that is NOT on the hill and I just haven't found yet. Or, yeah, they are WAY over the eirp limit. I pick their system up at a higher signal level than my own even when pointed 30 to 40 * away from them. It's amazing.

I've not taken the time to track this down yet as the calls have really just started to come in AND I've only recently learned that at least one of the other competitors systems up on the hill is getting killed in the evenings when we all hit peak hours.

I think that what's happening is that their system is so loud that as soon as it gets busy at all our radios can't hear each other. The problem affects the close in customers but really seems to hit the long distance ones hard.

I've been swamped with installs though. I keep hoping for a couple of days off so I can devote some time to this without the risk of missed opportunity. But I may just have to carve out a chunk of time anyway.

c) Dirty buggers were/are ignorant of other in-service WISPs and are operating on frequencies that were already in use by the other WISPs, thereby causing interference to the other WISPs?

They arent' ignorant. I've talked to the owner. He's the biggest, um, well you figure out a really bad word for him and mine's worse, I've run into in a very long time. He called ME up one time and chewed me out in a mannor that would have done my old drill instructor proud. For what? For explaining the part 15 rules to the owner of a tower that he rents. Seems that this guy causes nothing but trouble everywhere he goes. Eventually he'll run out of money or suckers to get more from. But until then, we keep re designing our sites near him to deal with his noise. We're now down to a 30* sectored solution that's running as hot as I can make it without going over the rules. I think we're about 35 or 36 dB. From my signal checks, he's either a few miles closer to the customers (hard to do when the tower is only 4 miles away already) or is cranking out somewhere in the 40 to 45 dB range.

Or, I've got my facts all messed up and there's something else going on up on the hill that no one has figured out yet.

I did turn this guy in to the FCC once already. The enforcement agent told me that he'd never been talked to like he was by this guy. What a jerk. The good news is that I've seen guys like this before. Eventually they all disapear.

That help?

Thank you for any clarifications that you can add.


Marlon K. Schafer wrote:

I remember clear back in 2001 or so. I was fortunate enough to have breakfast with Michael Marcus. Patrick, i think you were there for this.

I remember him telling the story about FCC certified computers. Back in the day, it was only legal to sell a computer as a complete certified system. Then along came Michael Dell. He said, screw the rules, they are stupid. He started selling anyone any combination of certified components that they wanted. Soon, there were so many systems out there that were NOT causing interference issues that it was completely impossible to put the genie back in the bottle.

Out of that comes today's way to buy a computer. The COMPONENT gets certified, you mix and match them all you want.

As I recall, Mike M. said that they (the FCC) knew that SOME combinations WOULD cause a problem. But that the likely hood of it being an issue was outweighed by the benefits of the new rules.

We've already had one adjustment on the part 15 certification rules lately. And it was sorely needed. I remember calling the FCC and talking to John Reed. One of the guys that WROTE the FCC rules. Back in 1999 when I get started it as ILLEGAL for me to use an Andrew antenna on a BreezeCOM system. Even though Andrew made the antennas and all BreezeCOM did was put a different sticker on them.

I remember more than one argument with Patrick (and others) about whether or not it was ok for me to use the $60 Andrew antennas vs. the $200 BreezeCOM ones. As it turned out, I was wrong, it wasn't OK. But the rule was also wrong and has since been changed.

We'll eventually see more of the rules changed. Look at the unique connector rule. The FCC certifies EVERY new consumer device with an RPSMA connector on it. It's hardly a unique solution anymore. Yet anyone can get it certified.

I do NOT recommend that anyone out there build a non certified system. Mine isn't perfect but it's very close and getting better all of the time. But what are we really supposed to do? There is NO government enforcement of the rules. What's the incentive to obey them? I have operators in my area running illegal networks and I've had very limited success in getting them fixed let along shut down. And the WHOLE market is suffering due to their massive amounts of interference.

In a fight (like the fight for usable spectrum) the bad guy always makes the rules. If one guy goes to high power, all have to. No, two wrongs don't make a right, but they do make a more usable network.

It's not completely the WISP that looks bad when these discussions take place. It's also those in government that turn a totally blind eye. No matter what gets done in the field.

I'll tell you something about the whitespaces too. The broadcasters do NOT want to see auctioned spectrum. They loose too much control that way. They'd be fools to push for that. The spectrum WILL be opened up for someone. Who's the least possible threat to them long term? Unlicensed. The WISPs are, by far, the best friend that the broadcasters have in this fight. We want smart radios, good sensing, minimized interference possibilities etc. etc. etc. AND we'll AUTOMATICALLY get booted from any channels that they broadcasters want to license and get back. There's really no down side to them. We take all of the risk.


----- Original Message ----- From: "George Rogato" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "WISPA General List" <>
Sent: Thursday, February 08, 2007 1:40 PM
Subject: Re: [WISPA] My Hypothetical Conversation with Julius Knapp, Chiefof OET

Patrick Leary wrote:

Julie - "Ah, you want that beachfront stuff with high power. Well,
looking at how many WISPs can't be trusted to follow the rules, there is
considerable risk for that, especially with the broadcasters, who tend
to be a vocal and frankly powerful lobby."


As has been posted on this thread, most of the bad guys are not high powered, we just have self assembled systems rather than out of the box solutions.

So start your hypothetical conversation over again and replace high powered solutions with " low powered versatile solutions" and follow that line of reasoning.

I'm on record of amps and high powered is not good, most of the time.

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Jack Unger ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - President, Ask-Wi.Com, Inc.
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Jack Unger ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - President, Ask-Wi.Com, Inc.
Serving the License-Free Wireless Industry Since 1993
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