On Tue, 13 Feb 2007 00:49:52 -0500, Rick Smith wrote
> OK, Don't point me to some confusing URL I don't have time
> (or patience) to read about how to comply with CALEA.
> How would you provide the "hook" in so the FBI could just
> listen in at any time  (is that the way it works ? Or do 
> they still need to provide a subpoena...) ?
> Others I'm sure will come up..

I've spent.. well... quite a bit of time watching for the "key" data to show 
up that answers those questions.  

I can't answer them.  I can't find the information, either. 

The best I can find, is that you must provide either (can't tell which ) 
either all the data that goes to and from a specific user... OR a specific 
IP, provided in a specific format (don't know what that format is, can't find 
out) to the requesting LEA within 2 hours if it is an "amber alert" or 2 days 
if any other type of request. 

There is a data format or protocol which is supposed to be used, but I cant' 
find out what it is.  

I did manage to read that there will unlikely be any any open source 
implementations, since the protocol is not free or open and that the license 
is very costly. 

All I can find is that we're going to have to comply with "industry 
standards".  I can't figure out who is creating those standards, or if those 
standards will be open for implementation, or we'll have to pay a license to 
those who created them.  

Mark Koskenmaki  <> Neofast, Inc
Broadband for the Walla Walla Valley and Blue Mountains

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