On Tue, 13 Feb 2007 02:40:07 -0600 (CST), Butch Evans wrote
> On Tue, 13 Feb 2007, wispa wrote:
> >Uhmm, Butch...  No, they're not "asking for a means".  They're 
> >insisting that we build the tap into our network, at our expense, 
> >prior to a request ( whether we got any requests or not ), to 
> >provide them data in a specific form.
> And what form is that data going to take?  You don't know.  You are 
> being alarmist, in that you are getting bent out of shape over 
> something you don't even KNOW.  THAT is what I said.

Why shouldn't I?  It's an unfunded federal mandate on private enterprise, 
completely without justification, in my view.  How could ANYONE possibly 
defend it?  

> The FACT is that the government MUST have a means to gathering 
> information for criminal prosecutions.  

Oh?  What could possibly be denying them this?   Nothing.  There's no reason 

Even you can't deny that. 
> That means (when it comes to Internet traffic) MUST happen at the 
> ISP level. WHY?  Because MANY ISPs HIDE THEIR CUSTOMERS.  It happens 
> behind every ISP who decides that NAT is "necessary".  Sorry, but 
> that is one thing that makes it necessary for them to gather data on 
> YOUR network.  They HAVE to be able to gather data on a specific 
> suspect.

Following your logic, it won't be long when network design, practices, and 
even equipment choices will all be federally regulated to "improve" this.  
Can't afford it?  Who the bloody hell cares, the GOVERNMENT MUST HAVE IT!!!!


> > THAT is precisely what I said, nothing more, and nothing less.
> REALLY?  Maybe when I read these words from YOUR email address, it 
> was a government conspiracy that sent them to point the finger at 
> you.  Here are SOME of the things you said:
> <SNIP>
> I said that not resisting regulation would kill us.

So, you don't believe this? How could you NOT???  CALEA is the tip of the 

> The process has begun.  We marched in to be fleeced, smiling and 
> bleating
> softly.
> Been nice knowing you folks.
> </SNIP>
> and here
> <SNIP>
> the federal govenrment has just taken wholesale control of the ISP
> business.
> </SNIP>

It certainly has.  There is no means of connecting a person to the internet 
that is now NOT federally controlled.  If you can think of a way, tell us.  
I'm all ears.  Heck, I'm ready to switch now. 

> and here
> <SNIP>
> You can bet that any "industry" standard derived will derived with 
> the input from the telecoms to bankrupt as many small ISP's as 
> possible.
> I predict that in 2 years there will not be enough WISP's left to 
> fund WISPA at all, unless the dues go up on the order 20 to 50 
> times.
> </SNIP>

So, you think the big guys aren't going to lobby for things that benefit 
them, while we have no voice or consideration because don't have billions to 
lobby with?  

> and here
> <SNIP>
> we need to work at launching the largest "industry and public" 
> backlash ever, to end this sort of stuff...
> </SNIP>
> Perhaps I'm the only one reading "alarmist" into your words...

Yes, you SHOULD be alarmed.  We should have been ALARMED A LONG TIME AGO. 

> >Up to this point, the LEA's had to pony up the means of tapping and 
> >grabbing the data they wanted.  Which, in my view, is fair and 
> >equitable.  Why should we all pay for and design a network around 
> >some system few will ever use?
> Read the documentation again...I'm not here to educate you, but the 
> fact is that your network is NOT going to have to be "designed 
> around" anything.

Well, I haven't got a dollar to bet... but I BET YOU WILL.  

> >CALEA was NOT written for ISP's or VOIP.  The FCC and DOJ have 
> >broadened its meaning all on their own.
> No, it wasn't written for that purpose.  But, the world is not the 
> same as it was when the CALEA laws were penned.  Times change and so 
> do the laws.  My only suggestion is to do 2 things:
> 1. Like it or not, the law is the law, and you MUST follow it.  If 
> you decide to break the law, I hope you are caught and punished.
> 2. Don't ASSUME (you know about that word, right?) that every law is 
> a government conspiracy to put you out of business.

I don't assume any such thing.  It's JUST THE NATURE OF GOVERNMENT TO FAVOR 
THE WEALTHY AND INFLUENTIAL over the interests of those of us who are not.  

> OH...it wouldn't hurt if you'd take your meds...

Sure Butch.  Looks like you've been on yours WAY too long.  All that valium 
musta numbed you totally. 

I said that when our "leaders" openly promoted the FCC placing us all under 
federal regulation that this WOULD happen.   CALEA is the first. 

Now, for everyone else.

There will be a LONG list...  there will be homeland security, there will 
be "fairness doctrine" where we have to gaurantee full connectivity, there 
will be social policy (must provide to those who don't pay the bill) and the 
list will go on and on.  

YOU WILL GO UNDER from these mandates.  It may not be this year or next year, 
but YOU WILL BE OUT OF THE WISP business unvoluntarily as a result of the 
cumulative effects of repeated regulation and mandates.  

That's my prediction.  Don't forget I made it.

I intend to remind you of just how right I was when it comes true.

Mark Koskenmaki  <> Neofast, Inc
Broadband for the Walla Walla Valley and Blue Mountains

WISPA Wireless List: wireless@wispa.org


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