Tuesday at the Full Board meeting, after an impassioned speech by Supervisor 
McGoldrick and Daly requesting a simple continuance on their cosponsored (also 
Ammiano and Mirkarimi) legislation which asks for serious consideration of 
Nonprofit or Municipally owned WiFi solutions by the IT Department, the Board 
of Supervisors (in a vote that is seen as an indication of how the board will 
vote on the EarthLink WiFi contract) approved on a 6-5 count McGoldrick's 
request to continue the resolution to March 20th.  
During the debate, Supervisor Daly, Chair of the Budget and Finance committee, 
asked the Budget Analyst to prepare a $10M budget supplemental for a City WiFi 
The EarthLink Google camp in conjunction with DTIS (IT Department) pushed to 
have the vote today in hopes of shutting considerations down the 
Municipal/Nonprofits options.  Significant backing for alternatives was 
provided by the independent Budget Analyst's Fiscal Feasibility of Municipal 
WiFi report which had raised many concerns about the consideration of all 
options, quality of the digital inclusion coverage of the EarthLink solution, 
privacy, conflicts of interest, parity of deal compared with what other cities 
are receiving and the potential for a 17-year defacto Franchise with little 
Board of Supervisor's governance.
With Community Choice Aggregation (Public Power) in the air, the recently 
released draft municipal fiber study and the continued bad feelings over the 
extension of the Comcast Franchise,  voices concerned about ongoing 
privatization of city functions and assets have been given a loudspeaker.
McGoldrick announced plans to draft additional legislation on this matter and 
there will be hearings on the basket of Budget supplementals in Daly's Budget 
and Finance committee.  Lastly, the independent Budget Analyst will be 
preparing a detailed analysis of the EarthLink contract on it's merits before 
consideration by the full board.
Independent Budget Analyst's study for Feasibility of Municipal WiFi - and 
preliminary analysis of the EarthLink contract (pdf):
Draft Fiber study (pdf):
EarthLink Contract with San Francisco (pdf):
Windows Streaming Video of BOS meeting (will be posted by end of day 
Wednesday), click on item 9:
Speech excerpts and more details will be sent out Wednesday.

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