On Sun, 18 Feb 2007 18:22:08 -0500, Peter R. wrote
> Many of you probably don't follow the FCC much, so let me tell you 
> about the stroke of a pen:
> UNE-P which was the magic bullet for CLECs. No facilities needed. 
> Rock bottom pricing on voice lines. Market and sell. Z-Tel and a few 
> others had over 500k lines. Unfortunately, they didn't listen when 
> they were told it would be a stop gap to facilities. In other words, 
> sell UNE-P regionally and convert to facilities. No one listened. 
> Bang! UNE-P ruled no more. One year to move to facilities. Z-Tel 
> just filed BK, following many others that area shadow of their UNE-P 
> selves.
> Another example: DSL. One day it is tariffed. Bang! No tariff. Go 
> nego with the ILEC.
> So please heed the warning about 5.4. It won't take much prodding 
> from DoD to wipe oout your business model.
> This is NOT a threat, folks.  This is how telecom regulations works 
> in the US.

Peter, I have been making this point... Albeit from a different direction... 
Once we're a "regulated industry", and at this point the FCC and Congress are 
SERIOUSLY attempting to take control the WISP and ISP business, we exist, or 
we do not exist, at the stroke of a pen, totally at the WHIM of someone who 
neither knows, nor cares, whether we live or die, nor the impact on the lives 
of the people we service. 

I have attempted to make this point over and over, I get shouted at that I'm 
some kind of radical political type.  Although I've tried to say it wasn't 
political,  nobody wants to hear it.  

All these people who desperately do NOT want to resist being regulated... 
they're basically rushing into the lion's den, hopeing the lion's occupied 
with someone else or happens to like us and spare us.

As I've repeated over and over... if we do not defend our RIGHT to be in this 
business, we're going to find our businesses, our lives, everything we had, 
vanish in an eyeblink, and all the shmoozing and butt kissing and grovelling 
to "gain favor" will not have the slightest change in the outcome. 

And it will be done and sold as "protecting the public" or "protecting the 
nation" and nobody except each other will have any sympathy or understanding 
of how we died. 

> So skip the forms - 445 and 477. Keep using the unlincesed gear. 
> Next year you can all be pirates. That's okay, because you can 
> celebrate *Gasparilla* Pirate Fest in Tampa after that.
> Plus you say all this stuff on a PUBLIC, archived email list. DUH!

Here's where I disagree completely.  I am not advocating anything in regards 
to forms or stickers or otherwise by this, please understand.  BUT DOING ALL 
argument at all.  

And yes, I say this on a public listserve, and I hope we all remember it.  
Maybe we'll learn something for our "next" life. 

> Regards,
> Peter @ RAD-INFO, Inc.

Mark Koskenmaki  <> Neofast, Inc
Broadband for the Walla Walla Valley and Blue Mountains

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