On Mon, 19 Feb 2007 08:58:02 -0800, Steve Stroh wrote
> Mark:
> But, the FACT of the matter is by slapping together that collection  
> of pieces to make a radio that you will deploy for commercial,  
> revenue service as a telecommunications service provider is ILLEGAL.

But Steve, many of these people are NOT deploying a commercial service 
provider.   Some of them are just hobbyists.  Some of them are just 
networking their back yard.  Some of them are building community free 
networks.   Some of them are doing it to make money.  Some of them are just 
doing it because they can and find it fun and intersting.  

Patrick called ALL of these "illegal manufacturers".  

> You make a compelling case that the "pieces parts" systems you're  
> describing are far more innovative than what's currently on the  
> market from the larger vendors... but ultimately irrelevant.

How's it "irrelevant"?   I make no claims that because it's a good idea or 
workable, that  the law can't be followed.  I'm arguing that it's a change we 
should try to get done.  

> That you don't THINK putting together "pieces parts" radios for use  
> in the US without going through the formality of FCC certification 
> as  a system SHOULD be illegal is irrelevant.

It's relevant, as to why we should lobby for change, Steve.  

Mark Koskenmaki  <> Neofast, Inc
Broadband for the Walla Walla Valley and Blue Mountains

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