On Fri, 02 Mar 2007 01:14:25 -0600, John Scrivner wrote
> Brilliant - standards building as a means of disabling US access to 
> technology innovation. Wow. I certainly hope you have vision enough 
> to see and thwart this type of activity in the future. I have heard 
> you have the intellectual knowledge to do so. Please let us know 
> when to cry foul in the future. Scriv

I'm not sure Rich is right or wrong about the how or why, that u-pcs has 
flopped here.   In fact, as much as I read, I could find little to indicate 
that industry made much of any input into the standards.  They are quite 
general with only certain minimums and maximums built into them. I believe 
that 802.11(anything) may actually qualify.   Northern Telecom (nortel) was 
the first to build a u-pcs system, but it was a business class phone system - 
handsets, pbx, all wireless, designed for businesses.  Today I can find no 
nortel products built for the u-pcs spectrum.  

As for regulations including small or obscure incompatibilities to prevent 
the use of one mass produced device in another area, it happens all the 
time.  Witness the FCC's "unique connector" rule. 

I'd like to think the FCC has stoppped trying to predict or create thier own 
vision of technological future, and just respond to the market, instead, but 
I don't really know if  that's true or not. 

Mark Koskenmaki  <> Neofast, Inc
Broadband for the Walla Walla Valley and Blue Mountains

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