Yeah but Mac, we shore do enjoy dat weeziana drawl.  You have a special way
with words that few can match, not even JohnnyO. :P

Rick Harnish
OnlyInternet Broadband & Wireless, Inc.

Founding Member of WISPA-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Mac Dearman
Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2007 7:02 PM
To: 'WISPA General List'
Subject: RE: [WISPA] calea meeting with the fbi

Thank you Marlon!

I can now delete my saved response that I had composed earlier and was
contemplating sending. Anyone can respond better than I as I seem to have
trouble portraying what I am thinking in a really politically correct
fashion. It is one of my biggest faults. (other than 12 others that come to
mind real fast) 


-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Marlon K. Schafer (509) 982-2181
Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2007 3:36 PM
To: WISPA General List
Subject: Re: [WISPA] calea meeting with the fbi


First, the mission statement for WISPA, just so's we're all on the same page

about motivations:
Wireless Internet Service Providers Association is dedicated to promoting 
and improving the WISP industry.

Second, if you don't like it, join us in our efforts at the regulatory 
level.  Sitting out there whining and tossing FUD around does nothing but 
waste our time and keep you from doing installations so that you can get 
more than $100 in the bank.

Third, WE don't REALLY know EXACTLY what WE have to do.  That's part of what

the FBI meeting is about.  It's not about kowtowing to the FBI, DOJ, FCC 
etc.  It's about making sure that WE can tell YOU what is going to keep your

tit out of the ringer with those people.  It's also about working with them 
to make sure that they don't expect things that are unreasonable or pass new

regs that have no regard for the realities of our industry niche.

Fourth, certainly I know I'm not speaking for all WISPs.  I'm speaking for 
WISPA.  YOU get to choose whether or not you wish to agree.  You can always 
file a statement saying you don't agree and why.  The FCC loves to hear from

us.  Last I knew the IEEE never asked for my opinion on a standard they put 
in place, but I use them all day every day anyhow.

Fifth, if we come up with a standard that you don't like, don't use it. 
Duh.  There is no requirement, no way to make a requirement, nor should 
there be, for WISPA to force you to follow us.  Feel free to follow any 
organization, start a new one, whatever.

Sixth, don't be an ass.  We're putting in our own time  and usually our own 
money to help make this entire industry better.  I don't care to be insulted

for the privilege of taking away from my customers and my family.

Seventh, I don't disagree with that you've said.  I also think that the 
seatbelt laws are so much BS.  But I've paid enough tickets for not wearing 
one that I have given in and wear mine now.  In the mean time, one of these 
days I'm gonna run for Congress and I'll work to restore individual rights 
and responsibility.  Till then I'll do the best I can to vote for people 
that respect my ability to lead my own life and my own choices.  I'll also 
follow their dumb a$$ed rules so that I don't go broke paying tickets or end

up in jail over it.

Eighth, some of the things that you say people don't have to do, the lawyers

constantly say that we do.  Sorry, but I'm gonna put my weight on their 
interpretations of the rules than yours.

Take care,
(509) 982-2181                                   Equipment sales
(408) 907-6910 (Vonage)                    Consulting services
42846865 (icq)                                    And I run my own wisp!

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "wispa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "WISPA General List" <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2007 12:22 PM
Subject: Re: [WISPA] calea meeting with the fbi

> On Wed, 7 Mar 2007 10:35:29 -0800, Marlon K. Schafer (509) 982-2181 wrote
>> Hi All,
>> We have a meeting set up for the 22nd in Va.  I have 4 people set
>> to go to it at this time but I'd like a 5th.  I'm after a network
>> admin type.  Anyone have the time and recourses available?  Or if
>> I missed your offer earlier, please let me know.
>> I have to get info to the FBI ASAP so if you can send a network
>> admin to this meeting (and possibly join our calea standards
>> committee) please let me know.
>> WISPA member companies will have first crack at this, but I'll conceder
>> others as well.
> While you're there... or, perhaps on your way there, please consider the 
> fact
> that you and whoever is meeting there are deciding how every other WISP 
> will
> structure his network and what they will be forced to spend or do.  You
> will...or will not... set a standard, and then the FCC and FBI will...or 
> will
> not...accept it, and everyone who has filed that they will be compliant
> persuant standards discussions will be obligated to do what is laid out in
> the end.  You're a pretty bright guy, Marlon, and I suspect it won't take
> very long to see what direction this will head.  You will be playing with 
> the
> fates of a lot of people who did not choose this in ANY way.
> I haven't filed, because I cannot say I can or cannot comply.  However, if
> this costs more than $100 to implement (that's all I have in the bank at 
> this
> moment), I will simply file stating I cannot and will not comply, period.
> If the FCC then desires to shut me down then, They will have to do so
> forcibly. I will simply write a letter to all my customers, local 
> newspapers,
> and state simply that the FCC has decided to take over all internet
> communications in a few months, and that there's no room left for small
> operations, and reccommend that they direct all questions to the FCC about
> why thier internet service will be no more.  I will cause them more grief 
> and
> bury their office in irate phone calls and letters than they can possibly
> handle.   I know several sites where I can reach millions who WILL be
> activists, if we're not going to act.  I'm absolutely positive they have
> NEVER even considered the notion (and probably do not care in the 
> slightest)
> that what they do could devastate people's individual lives or futures. 
> Nor
> do I think they care at all about anything but their own convenience and
> political futures.  I doubt a single person involved on the regulator's 
> end
> considers that since they decided to take on and regulate an industry 
> which
> is probably populated with the highest percentage of small operators (1 to

> 5
> people) of any industry they've ever even dreamed of regulating, what they

> do
> is PERSONAL to thousands of people, and directly will impact the lives of
> hundreds of thousands of other individuals.  Living in the isolated and
> unreal world of Washington DC does that to people.
> I suggest you pass this on to the FCC and FBI, along with my estimation 
> that
> at least 20% of all small operators will do exactly the same. I am SICK 
> TIRED of being fed to the wolves without the slightest resistance.  You, 
> of
> all people, should know what it means to be a small, one or two man 
> operation
> living out in the hinterland, where the rubber meets the road.  There will

> be
> small and casual networks, small community and free networks, small joint
> efforts by a few people to get for themselves what they have a right to 
> get.
> All possibly being wiped out by careless and overreaching federal 
> agencies.
> Who's gonna stick up for them?  WISPA's just bleating and going along like
> blind sheep.
> I STILL cannot believe we're walking into this without a single official
> objection from WISPA or the other organizations supposedly on "our" side. 
> I
> guess I should not be surprised.  Expedience has become the religion of 
> our
> times.  Like rolling over and playing dead is going to earn us brownie 
> points
> and favors later?  Don't count on it.
> Will I help law enforcement track down and prosecute people who are 
> breaking
> the law or otherwise a threat?  No question at all, of COURSE I WILL.  I 
> will
> NOT pre-tap thier connection in any way that compromises my security or 
> their
> security, costs me significantly, or is in my view, unconstitutional 
> (which
> is pretty much anyting done ahead of time).  That, as a citizen, is my 
> duty.
> If that costs me my future and business, it's a small price to pay for 
> what
> people have given their lives before me to preserve.  If I can preserve 
> that
> for a few people for while... I WILL DO IT.
> Damn, people, STAND UP FOR ONCE.
> mark at neofast dot net
> neofast, Inc, wireless internet for the Walla Walla Valley and Blue
> Mountains
> 541-969-8200
> -- 
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