There is an important distinction to be made between IPTV and Internet
TV; IPTV is simply television delivered over IP whereas Internet TV is
IPTV delivered over the Internet.

This is an important distinction because no service provider (that I
know of) is actually providing Internet TV, for the reasons that you
defined--regulating quality of service over the Internet at large to
deliver a solid customer experience with video is difficult.  (There
are some standalone offerings (such as joost) available over the
Internet).  All things considered, many of these services, using a
combination of good content networks, compression, and buffering, do
deliver a reasonably good user experience, although not as flawless as
traditional television.

However, IPTV itself is in use and is a very solid technology.  IPTV
is simply using IP as a delivery mechanism; usually, the service is
located on the providers network and so has a very controlled path to
the end user with little to no opportunity for service interuption.
While the Internet at large may have variances in quality; your own
network probably is (or should be!) of a consistantly good quality.
There are many examples of very high quality IPTV implimentations that
deliver at least as good of an experience as traditional television.

IPTV over wireless is a different story, though, and is a bit of a
technical feat due to the nature of wireless and the limited

The main restriction, however, for most service providers isn't
technical--the technology is sound and works quite well (wireless has
some issues but is not impossible), but the simple problem of
obtaining content.

Clint Ricker
Kentnis Technologies
WISPA Wireless List:



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