On Sun, 08 Apr 2007 14:07:01 +0000, Ron Wallace wrote
> To All,
> Thanks to all that participated. I know you worked hard and used 
> valuable time which could have been spent on your business. However, 
> Am I the only person in WISPA who disapproves of this 'STUFF'. This 
> is the way Saudi Arabia is run, and that's a total police state. I 
> know, I spent three years there. Are we just supposed to just 
> swallow whatever the Bureaucrats 'shovel' our way? Man, this scares 
> the bejesus out of me. ARGGGGGGG! Ron Wallace Hahnron, Inc. 220 S. 
> Jackson Dt. Addison, MI 49220 Phone: (517)547-8410 Mobile: (517)605-

Ron, there is a truth that the constitution says that with a court order, 
almost anything can be searched.   I don't know that any of us really 
seriously disagree with that.  If there were an absolute privacy, then we'd 
be unable to catch or prosecute some really bad people.  

Now let's look at CALEA.   CALEA was written to allow simple phone taps in a 
non-wired world - electronic switching of POTS.   Seems reasonable, seeing as 
how Congress did ante up the money to pay the subjects to make the changes.

When we read the FAQ, we find absolute requirements that EVERY cpe or AP you 
have be changed to become CALEA "compliant".  How many of you run stuff 
that's now out of date or no longer produced?   How many of you have 
equipment that physically lacks the capability of being changed to provide 
the data mirror capability?   

Again, the FAQ, ALL equipment providers must make their 
equipment "compliant".   And what if they don't?  A LOT of our stuff comes 
from offshore or outside our borders.  Arbitrary demands we include certain 
specified functionality including certain code in all equipment..   What if 
they won't?   It becomes illegal to use, that's what.

What if they do?   We're handing the mechanism used to intercept law 
enforcement type demands to people outside our country, with no loyalty, 
obligations, or even assurance of fidelity.   Can you say "built in back 
door"?   And OUR posteriors are on the line, since WE have to GAURANTEE 
privacy and confidentiality.   Even though we produce none of it, wrote none 
of it, and have no recourse on the people who did.   Even worse, we're 
totally at someone else's mercy to maintain full and bug-free compliance 
through upgrades, updates, etc.  

So, if the code won't fit into your Trango's firmware, guess who will be 
buying new Trango equipment?   What if you own stuff that's no longer in 
production.  Do you suppose compliance backfitting will be at a 'nice' price?

Just examples of big brother injecting himself into your network, business, 

And WISPA won't even COMMENT to the regulators that is is TOTALLY WRONG.

Instead, the leadership browbeats the membership when they object. 

"It's the law" they say.  We only "lost" because nobody would object.  Yes, 
it's all wrong, but the strategy is to isolate all who would object, and beat 
them down one at a time.   One equipment maker at a time, one ISP at a time, 
one trade association at a time. 

All our leadership does is play politics, attack and isolate the individuals 
who object.  When it finally results in a bunch of our industry failing, the 
comment will be "that's the price of doing business", by those who remain and 
persist in the pursuit of market dominance. 

Frankly, today, I have pneumonia, the flu, and a cold... and that doesn't 
make me half as sick as how we've been taken down. 

Mark Koskenmaki  <> Neofast, Inc
Broadband for the Walla Walla Valley and Blue Mountains

WISPA Wireless List: wireless@wispa.org


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