The way I understand it, is that Mark has to do the capture. His
provider can not do it for him. Also per a previous conversation the
tap needs to be done at the CPE. To me that should be real simple with
a few firewall rules in the CPE or at worst the AP. If PPPoE were in
use then it would be fairly simple to be sure of getting the clients
traffic. Part of Marks (and others) objections is that that we have to
pay to be compliant. That IMO is BS. I have no problem with providing
any LEA with a port that has the stream they are asking for but they
should be paying for the sniffer. That would be the best thing, since
the LEA can then handle the chain of evidence securely. Is it possible
to have WISPA request that and keep on it?

On 4/24/07, Peter R. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Mark Koskenmaki wrote:

>>While I'm sure the statement "this is not universally possible" is
>>technically correct (the best kind of correct!) I believe you're
>>seriously over-estimating the difficulty. I'd wager most of us already
>>have, somewhere in our network, a decent managed switch that can be
>>configured to spit out the requested data. Feed said data into a cheap
>>PC with a big hard drive (another thing that most of us already have),
>>filter out the specific bits the government wants, spit it out. If this
>>takes more than a couple hours to set up, there's something seriously
>>weird going on with your network.
>Oh, and I do not.   I have NO PLACE within my network where traffic  can be
>tapped.  None.  Zilch.   Not cpe, not ap's, not my gateway at my provider's.
>You'd actually have to go upstream, to my providers server room to do that.
>That is as close as I can get.
I would call Bull here. At the point where you connect to your upstream is what 
can be referred to as the Edge device in your network. If that Edge device was 
a FreeBSD ROuter or an ImageStream or a Cisco 7200, then you are probably in 
compliance, as all 3 devices can provide the Feds with the tap they want.

- Peter

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