LOL.  I see I ruffled a few feathers.  Of course that works both ways.


You say if we could all just work together and get along. Absolultly, and working together towards a goal which is *mutually* healthy is one thing. Spewing FUD is another thing entirely.

Then you said, I should find my delete key if I don't agree with what is being said here. Not going to happen, Russ, sorry. If I choose to state my opinion and I can do so without being insulting, I have as much right to do that as you, or Matt. I'm sure you understand that.


You say, > Is there FUD? Sure. Why? Mainly because no one wants to take the time to
do their own Due Diligence or talk to an Authority. They want the Cliff Notes from the list. No such thing in this case.

I guess you didn't actually read the FAQ or you would understand how it was actually realized. The last markup on the WISPA FAQ was done by the FBIs CALEA attorney.

You may have researched my background but I'm betting you didn't find much. You say

Mike, I tried to check the references for the people who wrote the FAQ. Uh. You guys have no more experience than Matt or me or Marlon.

We don't have any less experience either. There is a very talented group working on the CALEA committee and they have gone to talk to the people who have the responsibility for implementing CALEA compliance for all LEAs. They are not just spending a few dollars and letting their attorneys, or their vendors tell them what they have to have.

Don't you suppose if we had any worries at this point that we would be in here telling you the sky was falling ourselves? Honestly, WISPA asks for volunteers to work with the FBIs CALEA group. People volunteer. People take the time to read the docs, collect the questions, and then they spend their own time and money to visit the Quantico to present the questions. They come home clean up the results, pass the results before the attorney for the FBI and deliver them to you folks and people like you, and Matt, and Russ want to continue running around the room like henny penny.

Help yourselves, then, if you must.


 Michael Erskine wrote:
> What makes you such an authority on CALEA, Matt? What qualifications > or experience with CALEA do you bring to the table that give credence > to the fear that you are mongering on this list? Purchasing > compliance does not constitute authoritative knowledge.
For one, we are actually CALEA compliant.

So are we. The only difference is that when and if we are ever served I am going to have to work a couple of all nighters.

Getting there required
understanding the requirements, speaking with our attorney, and working
with our vendors. We did this months ago as a necessary and timely thing
to knock out.

This does not make you personally any more knowledgeable than any other person who has done the same thing. Most of the committee have done pretty much the same thing.

Since that time we have watched people who aren't
compliant act as authorities on the subject. So back at you... What
qualifications or experience with CALEA do you bring to the table?

Go review the FAQ document and see what it tells you about how that document came to exist.

working experience with LEAs doesn't mean much since CALEA as it is
being applied to ISPs is entirely new and no one has experience with it.

Privacy rights and privacy law are not new. Title III and Title 10 are not new. Evidence handling is not new. Intercept is not new. CII is not new. As a matter of fact Matt, the ONLY thing that is new is that CALEA now applies to packet switched traffic. You knew that.

> Most ISPs will be able to satisfy the CALEA requirements for less than > $200.00. Yep, that is what I said. When the WISPA Standard gets > blessed, and I did say when, there will be an open source > implementation. It will provide safe harbor and it will run on low > end hardware. Having had the personal experience of working with the > LEAs a number of times since about 1990 I feel perfectly comfortable > in expressing my dismay at the egregious misinformation and negative > speculation you have posted on this list. CALEA compliance is only > going to be a problem for those WISPs who refuse to do due diligence > in coming to compliance.
Today is May 9th and your discussing a standard that doesn't exist and hasn't be approved. What happens to all the ISPs waiting on WISPAs standard come Monday?

Well actually we have been in collusion with the FBI on this and Monday they are going to send out every available agent to arrest and imprison any WISP who is not compliant. We have been collecting their addresses for months now... ;) You're safe though because you have been preaching the word of truth to the myriad non-compliant WISPs out there and we know you know all there is to know about CALEA.

Should they just be non-compliant and wait for your solution?

No, they should break the bank purchasing a carrier class solution from some TTP that can not be held liable and which may or may not provide them with safe harbor.

Further, while you are dismayed why don't you point out what misinformation and negative speculation I have posted.
> Honestly Matt, what you have demonstrated on this list is that you > have a talent for fear mongering and then exploiting the poor gullible > people who bought into that fear mongering.
Exactly how?

Exactly by mongering fear and then trying to exploit that fear. Read your own posts. What do YOU think is going to happen Monday? You know so much about CALEA and the whole problem, tell me truly o' prophet of doom, What *IS* going to happen Monday?

This entire thread is a complete waste of time. I've had my say. If you feel the need to continue creating fear rather than suggesting solutions there is no reason for me to stand in your way. Help yourself.
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