----- Original Message ----- From: "Chadd Thompson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "WISPA General List" <wireless@wispa.org>
Sent: Friday, May 18, 2007 8:07 PM
Subject: RE: [WISPA] What is WISPA? was Promotion of services on-list


Thanks for taking the time to reply with a well thought out professional
response to my questions.

Those are just 2 examples, both of which were posted right here on
this free list.

Sorry if what I was asking didn't come across the correct way. I am not
worried about the monetary value of what membership gives, that information
has been well advertised. There seems to be great support from vendors and
such to WISPA members.

>Looking from the outside it doesn't always appear that the ORG is
>able to uphold the code of ethics. This is mainly based off of
>discussions held on the freelist. I see comments from members,
>officers of the ORG that I feel do not uphold the above listed
>items from the code of ethics.

I'd really like to understand what you see that makes this a true

Just read some of the responses to this discussion that has been going on. I
think it is pretty obvious. Or if its not maybe I am reading more into
comments than I should be, if thats the case I apologize as I mentioned in
my previous post it is very difficult to interpret someones tone when
reading an email.

Here is a quote that I take as being non professional and I definalty don't
think comments like this do anything to support WISPA, our industry and in
my opinion do nothing to add any credibility to WISP's in general.

""You've got this backward Peter.

""The question is, what value to they bring to WISPA?

I am not gonna "sell" you the organization.  But I will work on
answering this a little.

1. WISPA is right now working on a standard that will make CALEA
safe harbor VERY INEXPENSIVE for WISPs.  Not just members.  This is
an INDUSTRY solution.

Does WISPA seek input from members when dealing with issues like this? Or is
everything decided by a group of officers? In other words how does the ORG
run on a day to day basis, how are decisions made, how does it decide what
battles to fight, how does it determine what stance to take on issues?

Sure people have input. Well, those that care to be involved anyway. No, we don't go to the membership with everyday details etc. When we file with the FCC etc. the committee (who's only really active member is me, still looking for real help on the committee!) we hash out what will be said, then put that out to the members then file.

When no one says anything about the filings etc. we move forward. If anyone doesn't like what's being done or said, they either aren't speaking up or are not in the majority.


WISPA Wireless List: wireless@wispa.org


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