When building a hotspot type environment, power is needed to cover the whole 
area.  Obviously you have no control over the laptop's abilities.  Does a 
sectorized AP (say 17 dbi 90* sectors) with low power (perhaps XR2 cards with 
output power turned down) match or best the coverage abilities of multiple APs 
with rubber duckies?

My thought is that the increased gain of the sectors helps pull in the laptops, 
allowing for someone to deploy less APs, resulting in a cleaner band.  My 
thought on the XR2s in that they have increased receive sensitivity and cleaner 
reception than other cards, the increased power output would be negated by a 
lowering of the transmit power to not step on my own feet, crowd the spectrum, 
overload close receivers, etc.

I would think to mount on building roofs, with downtilt on the sectors and have 
more than 1 sector cover areas that are likely to have reduced signal due to 
building density and foliage.  Tough areas could just have a smaller AP with a 

Mike Hammett
Intelligent Computing Solutions

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