If you get more details please share them here. I will join in writing a letter. Having the government telling us to turn off this site or that site is a dangerous precedent to allow. It is similar to having them decide what books get to reach the shelves. That was never allowed and this should not be either.

Jack Unger wrote:

I agree 100% with the author of this article.

Requiring ISPs to block sites that they "suspect" of advertising or selling illegal pharmaceuticals is the wrong way to go about dealing with marketing abuse.

Once ISPs are required to block sites based either on "suspicion" or on government order, we will have lost more of our ever-shrinking freedom than we will ever gain in "security".

I'm going to get more information about this bill and then write Senator Dianne Feinstein (D.-Calif.) and Senator Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) to make them aware of my concern and ask them to drop the ISP-requirement provisions.


Matt wrote:




Personally I think its great they are finally doing something about
online pharmacies but requiring ISP's to block sites is ridiculous.
What will be next.

It should be completely illegal to use or actively participate in the
use of email or telemarketing for the marketing of prescription drugs
directly to consumers.  Credit card processing companies should be
held liable as well.


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