5 meter resolution and current. Typical local construction is also
accounted for. It has been very accurate (beyond our expectation).


-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Matt Liotta
Sent: Tuesday, April 22, 2008 9:12 AM
To: WISPA General List
Subject: Re: [WISPA] Future

We too rely heavily on software for determining the serviceability of  
the customer. As part of this our software takes into account not only  
antenna height and ground data, but also performs longley-rice loss  
calculations that include fresnel clearance, EIRP, antenna patterns  
and various atmospheric metrics. Even with this level of  
sophistication the software gets it wrong some of the time. The data  
is either out of date or simply not high enough resolution.  
Regardless, the fact that Travis ordered the service and got something  
that doesn't match what he ordered tells us one of two things. Either  
they are not following your "bible" or your "bible" in this case is  
wrong. Again, regardless the problem with self-installs stays the  
same. How does one build a business model that allows for these  
exceptions. Should the company terminate Travis's services or discount  


On Apr 22, 2008, at 11:54 AM, Patrick Leary wrote:
> Good question Matt. The way this is addressed with our major customers
> is with radio network planning. One of the services we do that each
> major customer has used is to perform a major coverage analysis using
> the most current clutter data and a software package called Hexagon.  
> The
> analysis is done in complete conjunction with development of the
> business plan, since there are many variables to measure from what
> services to what scale to what range to what percentage planned for
> self-install versus outdoor CPE, not to mention the basics such as  
> cell
> height, etc. We are able to provide these guys with a document that is
> both a technical instruction and a sales and marketing doc. The
> deliverable tells an operator with better than 98% certainty (and this
> has been proven out in EVERY case) EXACTLY which addresses can be  
> served
> at what data rates with what CPE. It is far more than just a coverage
> plan.
> This plan is something that is the bible of the operator, since they
> should never install a client outside the boundaries of this doc.
> So pretty much all the variables are accounted for and there is no  
> guess
> work. All this contributes to extremely high satisfaction rates so far
> and virtually no support calls (a data point that DBC measures  
> carefully
> and is able to benchmark it against years in previous CLEC business).
> There is a public presentation somewhere that I will link to if I can
> find it that reveals some of the interesting data gathered so far. One
> of the most interesting for us is that our 802.16e WiMAX operators we
> have in North America (at least those we know that have shared this  
> data
> with us) has at least doubled take rates. One beat it by 10x.
> Patrick
> -----Original Message-----
> On
> Behalf Of Matt Liotta
> Sent: Tuesday, April 22, 2008 6:42 AM
> To: WISPA General List
> Subject: Re: [WISPA] Future
> For all the props Patrick is giving them for a self-install CPE it
> would seem that the link budget isn't there for the service you
> ordered. Most likely a professionally installed outdoor CPE would work
> for you, but that isn't the point. How can you build a business model
> around selling a service with self-install variables? I would think
> you need to sell a best effort service such that the customer doesn't
> have incorrect expectations. For customers who want guaranteed
> performance a professional install seems appropriate.
> -Matt
> On Apr 22, 2008, at 9:34 AM, Travis Johnson wrote:
>> My point was they are selling a "3mbps connection" that doesn't
>> deliver... just like the cable companies and telcos... they are no
>> different. Fluff it all up and do whatever it takes to "fool" the
>> customer so they will sign up. I don't like it and I think it's
>> dishonest. I don't like people that do business like that.
>> Travis
>> Microserv
>> Patrick Leary wrote:
>>> One point you need to remember Travis is that that "barely 1 mbps"
>>> you
>>> are getting is with a self-install CPE that was either mailed to
>>> you or
>>> you picked in a retail shop, correct? If so, you likely had it up  
>>> and
>>> running in under 5 minutes and they did not have to roll a truck.
>>> Chances are, you can also take that CPE anywhere with you around  
>>> town
>>> and it will connect. You can also pop out the SIM card and pop in
>>> into
>>> any other Alvarion self-install CPE in town and your specific
>>> services
>>> will pop right up.
>>> That 1 mbps you are getting through your wall is certainly better
>>> than
>>> any neighboring fixed outdoor 900 MHz Canopy connection in both
>>> average
>>> up and down steam that I have seen and it uses a smaller channel AND
>>> goes through your wall AND required no truck roll (unless you are
>>> one of
>>> those that have an outdoor CPE).
>>> Patrick Leary
>>> AVP, Market Development
>>> Alvarion, Inc.
>>> o: 650.314.2628
>>> c: 760.580.0080
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:wireless-
>>> Behalf Of Travis Johnson
>>> Sent: Monday, April 21, 2008 8:55 AM
>>> To: WISPA General List
>>> Subject: Re: [WISPA] Future
>>> Regardless... my point is they have invested $40M and I am offering
>>> higher speeds, for less money, with less cost per CPE and AP...  
>>> and I
>>> have 10x the coverage they do in my market.
>>> The GM even mentioned "and if Sprint or Clearwire were to come to
>>> town
>>> with a check, we would definitely look at it"... which means, once
>>> again, they are not in it for the long haul... and their customer
>>> service, and quality of service, will show that the longer they are
>>> in
>>> business. They are looking for the "buyout" to take their money (and
>>> profit) and run.
>>> Travis
>>> Microserv
>>> Patrick Leary wrote:
>>>> Actually, most of that $40M would have been for spectrum
>>>> acquisition,
>>>> which in the accounting world is marked as an asset. They also
>>>> constructed a major NOC center. The wireless hardware is a small
>>>> minority of the spending.
>>>> Patrick
>>>> ________________________________
>>>> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:wireless- 
>>> On
>>>> Behalf Of Travis Johnson
>>>> Sent: Monday, April 21, 2008 6:36 AM
>>>> To: WISPA General List
>>>> Subject: Re: [WISPA] Future
>>>> Hi,
>>>> A new player just came to my area... BridgeMaxx (a Digital Bridge
>>>> company). They are using Alvarion WiMax equipment. We have a test
>>> radio
>>>> that we play with. We have their "up to 3meg premium service" and  
>>>> we
>>>> barely get 1meg (any time we have tested over the last 3 months).
>>>> Here's the real kicker... they will have spent $40 million dollars
>>>> to
>>>> roll out 15 cities (this is direct from their GM to me). She was
>>> pretty
>>>> proud of herself with that statement. So that's $2.6 million per
>>> city...
>>>> and I'm talking some cities with 15,000 population (their biggest
>>>> had
>>>> 120,000).
>>>> Travis
>>>> Microserv
>>>> Chuck McCown - 2 wrote:
>>>> WiMAX was dead, is dead and will remain dead.  OK, not factually
>>>> true
>>>> but
>>>> emotionally true.  The cell companies will use  WiMax frequencies
>>>> and
>>>> technologies but they will be a premium service and not well
>>>> suited to
>>>> compete with us for point to multi point fixed wireless.  It will
>>> never
>>>> live
>>>> up to the hype.
>>>> All the cell data technologies will remain premium for folks on the
>>> go.
>>>> Cell does not want to squander the bandwidth to go after the value
>>>> driven
>>>> customer that love us so much.  Cell is and will not be value  
>>>> leader
>>> for
>>>> fixed wireless. technologies.
>>>> 700 MHz is just not going to be used for anything other than more
>>>> cell
>>>> spectrum.  The bands are narrow.  Good for phone and limited  
>>>> amounts
>>> of
>>>> data.  Great propagation. Problem with 700 MHz is that the size of
>>>> the
>>>> antenna will be problematic for really small cell phones.  Less  
>>>> gain
>>>> than
>>>> the current 900 and 1800 antennas for the same physical sizes.   
>>>> Also
>>>> there
>>>> will be a few years of implementation due to moving some existing  
>>>> TV
>>>> stations.  And some of them are not moving for some reason.  I  
>>>> don't
>>>> know if
>>>> they get a special dispensation or what.
>>>> All ILECs will continue to build out with fiber to the home.  That
>>> will
>>>> erode market share for WISPs in some areas.  This is a slow and
>>> capital
>>>> intensive process so no reason to get jumpy on that.  Plus many
>>>> folks
>>>> prefer
>>>> to deal with us vs a large public traded company.  Superior  
>>>> customer
>>>> service
>>>> and support will always retain the customer.
>>>> The cable companies will continue to shoot themselves in the foot
>>>> and
>>>> drop
>>>> the balls.  They are sooo freaked out by the erosion of customer
>>>> base
>>>> from
>>>> DirecTV that they are not managing the IP side of the house as
>>>> well as
>>>> they
>>>> could.  They will continue to get in a tighter and tighter cash
>>>> situation
>>>> from satellite TV pressing from one side and the ILEC FTTH (and us)
>>> from
>>>> the
>>>> other.
>>>> In the meantime, we add VOIP, computer repair, data backup, web
>>>> development,
>>>> OTA HDTV install and maint, etc as cross sell and up sell
>>> opportunities.
>>>> All of us can offer triple play if we team up with DirecTV or OTA
>>> HDTV.
>>>> OTA
>>>> HDTV is a wonderful opportunity for the next 18 months for the  
>>>> value
>>>> conscious customer.  Stock UHF TV antennas and converter boxes and
>>> help
>>>> folks get their analog TVs converted over.  Less work than a WISP
>>>> install
>>>> and you will lock in the customer even more with superior customer
>>>> service.
>>>> You can rent them the gear for $5/month and make it a low cost
>>> package.
>>>> In 5 years hopefully your investment will be a cash cow and you  
>>>> will
>>>> ride
>>>> this horse until it dies.  Perhaps other technologies will come
>>>> along
>>>> for us
>>>> to deploy but I see our segment strong for the next 5 years.  In 10
>>>> years,
>>>> if we have not diversified, we will probably be hurting.
>>>> Oh, and satellite ISP will never do much.  Pesky physics.
>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>> From: "Mike Hammett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>> To: "WISPA List" <wireless@wispa.org> <mailto:wireless@wispa.org>
>>>> Sent: Sunday, April 20, 2008 6:44 PM
>>>> Subject: [WISPA] Future
>>>>    What do you see as the future of our industry over the next 5
>>>> years?
>>>>    AT&T is expanding U-Verse (will this be available outside of
>>>> town?)
>>>>    Verizon is expanding FiOS (will this be available outside of
>>>> town?)
>>>>    Cable will be using DOCSIS 3
>>>>    3G will gain more steam
>>>>    WiMAX will have larger and larger shares of the market
>>>>    700 MHz will be in use possibly for data communications by the
>>>> big guys
>>>>    My banker asked me, so I figured I'd see what other's opinions
>>>> are.
>>>>    My thought is that the big guys mentioned above will continue to
>>>> avoid the
>>>>    niche that we currently serve and we'll be able to provide
>>>> better services
>>>>    with more spectrum (5.4 GHz, additional 2.5 GHz, 3.6 GHz,
>>>> possibly TV
>>>>    white spaces) and WiMAX.
>>>>    ----------
>>>>    Mike Hammett
>>>>    Intelligent Computing Solutions
>>>>    http://www.ics-il.com
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>>>>    Archives: http://lists.wispa.org/pipermail/wireless/
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