
In general, physically separate them as much as possible. You do not 
want the transmitter signal from one sector to overload the receivers of 
the other sectors. That is a form of self-interference. If you happen to 
have a copy of my book handy, you can read more about antenna separation 
on pages 159 - 165. If you don't have the book, then separate 10 feet 
vertical as a rule of thumb. Other factors such as the amount of 
frequency separation and receiver selectivity also play a part but 
that's more engineering detail than I can address here. But now you know 
why you should physically separate your antennas. Many people in the 
past have had to move antennas apart to resolve this issue after they 
initially installed them to close.


Ross Cornett wrote:
> Anyone know for a fact if it is worthy to seperate sector antennas on the 
> same tower.   Using 2.4 H Pol 16 db We are readying our 31st tower location 
> and I have been asked why do we seperate the sectors .  Besides the 
> reasonable fact that if you place 3 sectors on a 3 sided tower at the exact 
> same height, you will never be able to climb over them or at least with great 
> difficulty.  
> I would like to know first hand examples of anyone having issues or had to 
> move them apart to resolve any issues.  I don't like doing things twice... 
> you advise is greatly appreciated...
> Ross
> _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
> Galatians 6:7-8: "Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man 
> soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the 
> flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit 
> reap life everlasting." 
> _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
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Jack Unger - President, Ask-Wi.Com, Inc.
Serving the Broadband Wireless Industry Since 1993
Author of the Cisco Press Book - "Deploying License-Free Wireless WANs"
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