Kurt Fankhauser wrote:
> I currently host email for a few domains as well as my own. I use a
> Barracuda SPAM firewall for my own domain but not the others. Anyways I
> pointed an MX record for one of the domains to the Barracuda Spam Firewall.
> That domain was not getting any spam whatsoever because it was a newly
> registered domain but I wanted it to be READY just in case. Anyways as soon
> as I did that the company that uses the domain's email started screaming
> bloody murder because they said they were getting TONS of spam all the
> sudden. Turns out I added the MX record for the Barracuda as a LOWER
> priority and so it was not getting to filter every email that was coming in.

When my office installed its first Barracuda (this was over four years 
ago), I kept fairly careful counts of the "raw" number of emails that 
came in, before and after, and didn't see any discrepancies.

If it was a newly-registered domain, it may simply have taken the 
spammers a few days to learn about it. (Yes, some spammers have turned 
to things like scraping WHOIS records to learn about new names.)

Also, apropos of nothing, if your network topology permits, be sure to 
firewall off the "destination" server's port 25, so that it will only 
accept email from the Barracuda itself (or from properly-authenticated 
users). Took me a while to realize that some spammers didn't even bother 
with MX lookups and would just try SMTP connections to random IPs and 
hope they'd get lucky, then fire off a dictionary attack.

David Smith

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