Would OTARD apply in a scenario of a mesh AP/CPE antenna?

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Joe Fiero" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'WISPA General List'" <wireless@wispa.org>
Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2008 12:12 PM
Subject: Re: [WISPA] Tower site licensing problem

> OTARD does not apply to any commercial usage.  It will apply to a 
> commercial
> end user, but not a system operator.
> Statutes that apply to HAM operators are just that, for HAM operators.
> Certainly you could make a claim, but that's about the same as saying you
> garage your car in another state to save on insurance premiums.  It's not 
> an
> issue until it becomes one.  Then you have one heck of a mess to clean up.
> Joe
> -----Original Message-----
> Behalf Of Chuck McCown - 3
> Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2008 10:44 AM
> To: WISPA General List
> Subject: Re: [WISPA] Tower site licensing problem
> There are two parts of the telecom act, OTARD and the Ham ruling that
> "should " be able to be used to mitigate most of this.  Especially of the
> city attorney doesn't want to do much research.  OTARD and the Ham ruling
> could probably combat the visual impact aspect.  I have successfully used
> the competitive nature of the tower they want me to collocate on to argue
> that it would give my competitor an advantage over me.  Hard to argue that
> one down.
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Blake Bowers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "WISPA General List" <wireless@wispa.org>
> Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2008 8:36 AM
> Subject: Re: [WISPA] Tower site licensing problem
>> Actually, visual impact CAN be applied.  Lambs
>> Knoll MD is a good example of a recent application
>> where the tower company lost.
>> A municipality can heavily regulate tower placement,
>> and if they show that another site without that
>> visual impact, or even multiple sites without that
>> visual impact can do the same job, then the site
>> with the visual impact can be legally denied.
>> The federal rules about siting state that the municipality
>> cannot capriciously or unreasonably deny an
>> application, but the definition of unreasonably has still
>> never been clarified.
>> Insofar as the "taking" of a tower, only allowing towers
>> that are capable and available for colocation is accepted
>> as a standard codes restriction, and has
>> been backed up in the court.  Having the municipality
>> become the leasing agent has not however.
>> They can also DENY your application to build a tower
>> if suitable colocation oppurtunity exists on existing structures,
>> leaving the onus on you to show why that won't work, and
>> a financial argument won't stand up.
>> Case in point,
>> http://tinyurl.com/5clfkt
>> Don't take your organs to heaven,
>> heaven knows we need them down here!
>> Be an organ donor, sign your donor card today.
>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>> From: "Chuck McCown - 3" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: "WISPA General List" <wireless@wispa.org>
>> Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2008 8:51 AM
>> Subject: Re: [WISPA] Tower site licensing problem
>>> You gotta get a better lawyer.  Some of this stuff, especially RF
>>> emissions
>>> are federally regulated and wholly prempts local officials. It is
>>> actually
>>> easier if you call your facility cellular like in most cases because
>>> federal
>>> code can get most of this off your back.  The building code/engineering
>>> folks will still require soils analysis and structural engineering but
>>> much
>>> of the other stuff including visual impacts cannot be applied.
>>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>>> From: "Joe Fiero" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> To: "'WISPA General List'" <wireless@wispa.org>
>>> Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2008 7:30 AM
>>> Subject: Re: [WISPA] Tower site licensing problem
>>>> My first question is, where is this taking place?
>>>> I ran into this in one market just recently, but it was the first time
>>>> we
>>>> had been classified as a "telecommunications facility", and been 
>>>> require
>>>> to
>>>> go through the extensive permitting process.
>>>> The requirements we faced were above and beyond anything I had
>>>> experienced
>>>> in 35 years in the wireless industry.  There was always a distinction
>>>> made
>>>> between a single use site and a leased telecom facility.  That seems to
>>>> be
>>>> coming to a close as the billion dollar mergers between the tower 
>>>> giants
>>>> act
>>>> as a catalyst driving these municipalities to score what they perceive
>>>> as
>>>> their piece of the pie.
>>>> In this new world order everyone gets to "eat".  And we are the ones
>>>> they
>>>> expect to provide the meals.
>>>> First off we were faced with a $8500 escrow account which the
>>>> municipality
>>>> could use any way they deem necessary and proper to facilitate the
>>>> permitting process.  That includes paying for their engineers, lawyers,
>>>> or
>>>> any other costs they incur for "experts" to testify at our hearings.
>>>> As they depleted this fund we would be notified when the balance fell
>>>> below
>>>> $2500 and then required to replenish the funds within 5 business days.
>>>> That
>>>> was in addition to the $5000 non-refundable permit fee for a new
>>>> facility,
>>>> or a $2500 fee for an existing facility.  It also had nothing to do 
>>>> with
>>>> building or construction permits.
>>>> After the permit was granted, we were still required to maintain at
>>>> least
>>>> $2500 in this escrow account so the municipality would have available
>>>> funds
>>>> to, at their discretion, order future inspections and studies to assure
>>>> our
>>>> continued compliance.  This was arbitrary, and completely at their
>>>> discretion.  Effectively, they could spend our money any time they wish
>>>> and
>>>> there was no means to appeal the action.
>>>> All this hooplah over a 70 foot free standing tower that was being
>>>> placed
>>>> on
>>>> a hill 3/4 miles outside of town on more than an acre of property that
>>>> we
>>>> were buying for the purpose of placing this tower on it.
>>>> Additional requirements included mandatory core sampling to ascertain
>>>> the
>>>> quality of the soil and assure it is sound enough to support a
>>>> structure,
>>>> A
>>>> visual impact study that includes floating a balloon and taking photos
>>>> of
>>>> it, coordinated with a map by GPS points, that required no less than 58
>>>> photos be taken.
>>>> In addition to the municipal engineer, we had to provide our own
>>>> engineering
>>>> report.  The fact that the tower was available stamped was not good
>>>> enough.
>>>> It had to be a local engineer who told us he would do his best to keep
>>>> his
>>>> fees as close to $10,000 as possible.
>>>> They wanted the engineering to cover the foundation, structure, each
>>>> antenna
>>>> both current use and planned, road design, secondary egress, RF
>>>> emissions,
>>>> and even an environmental impact study on the area we would disturb to
>>>> place
>>>> the tower.  This was to include a foliage replacement and erosion
>>>> control
>>>> plan.
>>>> Mostly, this tower was being sited to use unlicensed spectrum and up
>>>> until
>>>> now I never came across a telecom ordinance that specifically included
>>>> that
>>>> spectrum.  In most cases they specify by stating something like
>>>> "cellular,
>>>> SMR, paging, broadcast", or some other specific descriptors.
>>>> One of the most disturbing aspects of this was that we had no control
>>>> over
>>>> who used the tower when we were done.  The ordinance specifically calls
>>>> for
>>>> us to build the facility for collocation and gives the municipality the
>>>> right to determine who collocates and what their "fair value" is for
>>>> collocation.  There was nothing preventing the mayor's son from setting
>>>> up
>>>> a
>>>> LPTV station, or a competitive WISP, and requiring us to house his
>>>> operation
>>>> at our site for $10 per month.
>>>> You are 100% correct.  This new generation of ordinances for telecom
>>>> facilities make no distinction between the mom and pop garage or feed
>>>> store
>>>> that wants to put up a 50 foot tower for his 2-way to his trucks, a
>>>> WISP,
>>>> or
>>>> a large telecom facility being sited by a nationwide service or
>>>> operator.
>>>> In fact, this particular ordinance did not apply to just towers.  It
>>>> included any placement of any radiating device in any spectrum.  That
>>>> means
>>>> if you deploy a mesh network in this town you are required to obtain
>>>> permits
>>>> for each and every node you place.
>>>> With respect to OTARD, I have had quite a bit of experience with it 
>>>> over
>>>> the
>>>> years.  I have challenged CC&R's from condos and townhomes as well as
>>>> township ordinances for anything from yagi antennas for 2-way clients 
>>>> to
>>>> reach a repeater, to 10 foot satellite dishes, to DBS and even 
>>>> satellite
>>>> Internet services.  Each was successfully resolved because of the
>>>> strength
>>>> of OTARD.
>>>> However, OTARD does nothing for you and I as the operator of a
>>>> commercial
>>>> antenna, no matter it's size or intent.  OTARD applies only to the end
>>>> user.
>>>> Now that this has reared its ugly head for the second time to me I see 
>>>> a
>>>> trend.  We solved the issue by not building in that location.  We moved
>>>> outside of town and received a county level permit with no questions
>>>> asked.
>>>> For the record, this was not NY, Chicago or LA.  It was a small town of
>>>> less
>>>> than 4000 on the Ohio River that covers less than 1.2 square miles of
>>>> land.
>>>> I think we, as a group, need to be proactive in this area before we are
>>>> shut
>>>> out of locations.  Even existing sites could become untouchable with
>>>> exorbitant fees and unduly restrictive requirements.  It may be time to
>>>> approach the FCC, in conjunction with other industries such as 2-way
>>>> radio
>>>> retailers, to assure that low impact telecommunications facilities are
>>>> not
>>>> painted with the same brush as the monoliths built by the cellular
>>>> companies.
>>>> Joe
>>>> Joe Fiero
>>>> CEO
>>>> NuTel Broadband Corporation
>>>> 769 Basque Way  Suite 650
>>>> Carson City, Nevada  89706
>>>> Direct-732-364-4161
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> Behalf Of Isp Operator
>>>> Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2008 6:38 AM
>>>> To: wireless@wispa.org
>>>> Subject: [WISPA] Tower site liscensing problem
>>>> Hi Gang,
>>>> We recently received notice that one of our locations has received the
>>>> interest of our county planning department, who has determined that the
>>>> location requires a 'use permit' for a major impact utility location
>>>> (eg: Cellular telephone). Naturally, we strongly disagree with this
>>>> determination.
>>>> The site is in a remote location, on private property completely out of
>>>> view of anybody(*), solar powered, on a 25' mast, with only the most
>>>> basic of equipment installed including two access points with an omni
>>>> and a sector. Aside from being 'outdoors', really, there's no
>>>> resemblance to a 'cellphone tower' as the gear is equivalent to what
>>>> most people use for their home wireless networks, albeit with slightly
>>>> larger externally mounted antennas. The planning department DID NOT 
>>>> cite
>>>> any building codes or height restrictions, just that we seem to be
>>>> 'transmitting' as well as 'receiving', and we're certain that the
>>>> determination has to do ONLY with the fact that it's a wireless 
>>>> repeater
>>>> and otherwise wouldn't receive any attention at all if it was a wind
>>>> generator, weather station or other application.
>>>> The substantial weight of the use permit process they wish us to go 
>>>> thru
>>>> is exactly that for a major cellphone site, complete with hefty
>>>> application fees, public hearings, zoning approvals, and the whole nine
>>>> yards. Assuming we made it all the way thru the process, we would then
>>>> also be required to build it up with severe site upgrades including 
>>>> fire
>>>> access and other features, which is simply too much overkill and we
>>>> would not be able to comply.
>>>> Isn't there some kind of exemption or otard-similar ruling or legal
>>>> guidelines from the fcc regarding this type of situation?  I can only
>>>> imagine that the criteria cited would also apply to many, many other
>>>> uses of part-15 devices and that the regulations just predate (2001 in
>>>> our case) the real onslaught of linksys in every home. I also imagine
>>>> that there would be substantial damage if every wisp was required to 
>>>> get
>>>> cellphone tower permits for every single repeater in use according to
>>>> these strict interpretations. We're going to need more than common 
>>>> sense
>>>> here, we're going to need legal precedence or references to directly
>>>> refute this determination, and we would appreciate your help.
>>>> Thanks all.
>>>> (* We were turned in by a certain tin hat, who has been dogging us for
>>>> some time now and attempting to create sympathy for their extreme views
>>>> which we are sure you all are aware of. Just one more reason to not
>>>> share detailed system information with anybody....)
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