The Burlington Northern Railroad is self Insured.
You save millions of $ on insurance premiums but you know for sure 
someday there will be a train wreck and people will die.
S0....... You put the money you would have spent on insurance in the 
bank and add to it monthly just like paying for insurance. Over time you 
have a huge and growing fund that you can borrow from for expansion etc.
You have eliminated the banks interest on capital and in effect you gain 
the interest. Plus you sleep well at night knowing if something happens 
you can cover it.

The problem is you better hope the $$ grows enough before that big 
lightning storm we all know is coming..........

Scottie Arnett wrote:
> They provide insurance at a rate for what you want covered. You pay less for 
> a high deductable. In both cases, they will try everything they can to get 
> out of paying you, and when they finally have to pay, they cancel the policy. 
> So what was the use in getting the policy to begin with?

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