I'm planning out a wireless network, and the police want a piece of the 

I'm also guessing that FIPS compliancy addresses NCIC concerns, and I 
was wondering if anyone could comment on that being sufficient.

I'm also wondering if a dual form of authentication adequately addresses 
the security issues. From what I can tell, if the police do any of the 
following things (listed in the URL below), then they have to follow NCIC


A contact of mine who works for the police tells me the following 
interesting things about NCIC, which I'd love feedback on...

--if you use PtP links (e.g. T1 lines) between sites, requirements are 
very lax
--if you don't use PtP links, then you'll likely need two form 
authentication (not necessarily two on separate bands)
--everyone assumes that a police network *will* be in compliance
--people often build police networks with compliance, as someone will 
inevitably put secure stuff on top of it later
--the penalty for not being compliant is getting shut down until 
everything is reviewed
--only police departments can ask the DOJ for clarification on what is 
and isn't compliant (vendors can't ask directly)

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