My apologies to the list, it was supposed to have been off-list. My apologies 
to Jack and Lawrence too. I took Jack's post the wrong way and responded in an 
unprofessional manner. Tends to show one's IQ level at 3:00 AM after a few too 
many late night drinks after a rough week.


---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: RickG <>
Reply-To: WISPA General List <>
Date:  Sun, 4 Oct 2009 21:25:03 -0400

>I have been on this list since 2001. I have seen many toot their own
>horns whenever they can and I have seen others that dont. I have also
>seen many get their feathers ruffled way too easy. Either way, there
>are some that can talk the talk, some that walk the walk, some that
>talk the walk, and some that walk the talk. As they say, just because
>you can do something doesnt mean you should. Most of the "talkers"
>have left the list with their undies in a bind. I suggest that before
>sending out an email, try to rein your ego in a bit and the list will
>be better for it. After all isnt this list to help others, or get
>help, not to be self-serving?
>This is not pointed at any one person, just my two cents on the subject.
>With that said, its been my experience in visiting many WISP's around
>the country that they are some of the sharpest people around. In my
>mind, WISP's are a perfect example of good 'ol business ingenuity and
>entrepreneurship if there ever was one. My hat is off to all of you!
>On Sun, Oct 4, 2009 at 2:01 PM, Rick Harnish <> wrote:
>> Scottie,
>> I read the whole thread and I don't see any remarks by Jack Unger that
>> should be taken personally.  He made a very fair and honest observation.  I
>> only wish I knew more about wireless.  I have read Jack's book and recommend
>> it as well, but I think I should read it a few more times and pick up some
>> other scientific journals to also enhance my knowledge of the subject.
>> I also didn't see anything wrong with your post in reply to Lawrence.
>> Acronyms are used often in present times and I often have to look up the
>> acronym to see what the author is referring to.  Usually in a few keystrokes
>> I can find the answer, which is a credit to the Internet industry.
>> This is a forum of intelligent people and it often challenges our diligence
>> to enhance our intelligence even more.  I do not believe Jack's post was a
>> direct comment towards Scottie Arnett.  I have known Jack for many years and
>> am always very impressed with the amount of dedication and time he devotes
>> to our industry.  I can only hope that you will someday advance beyond
>> trying to read extra content into other's posts and understand that most
>> people don't know who Scottie Arnett is or what contributions you have made
>> to the industry. I'm sure you have great respect for your accomplishments in
>> your local marketplace and I applaud you for that. However, WISPA is bigger
>> than any one small marketplace. WISPA is the sum of lots of small
>> marketplaces and operators who realize the strength of cooperating and
>> collaborating with others who have similar interests and challenges.
>> Respectfully,
>> Rick Harnish
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: [] On
>> Behalf Of Scottie Arnett
>> Sent: Sunday, October 04, 2009 3:32 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [WISPA] To G or not to G :-)
>> Ok Jack, I have to admit, I have not read your book, but if it reads like
>> this discussion, I have no desire too, unless you 1. either state that your
>> book is for the advanced wireless subjects, or 2. Thoroughly describe your
>> acronyms.
>> FYI, I do understand most of the poster's acronyms, but for the average WISP
>> operator, I doubt they do. I have a BS in Electrical Engineering and a BS in
>> Management of Information Sciences, not to be tooting my own horn. No, I do
>> not work for Alvarion or Motorola, nor do I have a desire too.
>> Maybe I was in the wrong with my post about the poster's acronyms and my
>> direct criticism with the use of acronyms. I also believe your post was in
>> direct comment to me about my understanding and involvement of WISP
>> activities. I publicly admit, I am not a member of WISPA at the moment, and
>> as long as as an acting officer or "supreme WISPA being" is degrading me, I
>> will not become a member.
>> Scottie Arnett
>> President
>> Info-Ed, Inc.
>> Broadband Internet Service Provider
>> ---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
>> From: Jack Unger <>
>> Date:  Sat, 03 Oct 2009 22:39:38 -0700
>>><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
>>>  <meta content="text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1" http-equiv="Content-Type">
>>>  <title></title>
>>><body bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#000000">
>>>Yep it's too bad that many wireless ISPs have no interest in learning
>>>about wireless. <br>
>>>Scottie Arnett wrote:
>>><blockquote cite=""
>>> type="cite">
>>>  <pre wrap="">I am reading your response and can not decipher all your
>> algorithms? Point that out and I will have a much more understanding of what
>> you are scientifically trying to say. Most WISPS have absolutely no
>> scientific background!
>>>---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
>>>From: "Lawrence E. Bakst" <a class="moz-txt-link-rfc2396E"
>> href="";><></a>
>>>Reply-To: WISPA General List <a class="moz-txt-link-rfc2396E"
>> href="";><></a>
>>>Date:  Sun, 4 Oct 2009 00:15:45 -0400
>>>  </pre>
>>>  <blockquote type="cite">
>>>    <pre wrap="">I think you guys know most of this already, but here is my
>> take FWIW.
>>>I'm not a WISP, but I spent 5 years leading the design and development of
>> an 802.11[agb] security system. We did our own polling solution based on
>> 802.11e HCCA to solve the RTS/hidden node problem.
>>>All things being equal (which they often aren't) 802.11b will give you a
>> higher S/N and C/I than 802.11g, because in almost all cases and especially
>> at higher speeds. 802.11g has to lower the PA power because of the PAPR of
>> OFDM and meeting the 802.11g EVM spec.
>>>It is true that 2.4 GHz can be very polluted. We found the noise floor to
>> be really awful. You would be surprised by the number of "entities" that
>> know they are way over the FCC max power in 2.4 GHz, but I digress. We once
>> measured over 300 PHY errors a second on an "unused" 2.4 GHz channel. The
>> number went down to 150 PHY errors a second inside an FCC chamber, if you
>> can believe that.
>>>Having said all that we didn't use 802.11b at all because it's data rates
>> are too low for video.
>>>Also while we supported 2.4 GHz, we mostly deployed at 5.8 GHz ISM because
>> of the increased power available there and the pollution was much less, but
>> that maybe different now.
>>>For 802.11[ag] mutlipoint, the sweet spot speed wise is 18-36 Mbps. It's
>> very hard to keep a multipoint system at 48 or 54 Mbps because you need a
>> great deal of link margin and with all cards you loose power as the speed
>> increases to maintain PAPR/EVM. For point to point with direction antenna
>> relief you can often maintain 48 or 54.
>>>Antennae make a big difference, as others have noted horizontal
>> polarization is usually best and make the beam as narrow as you can afford
>> because it raises the effective gain. However, if you are in an area where
>> everyone else is horizontal it can make sense to try vertical. With some of
>> the antennae we used that was as simple as rotating the antenna 90 deg at
>> both ends.
>>>Watch out for crappy antennae, cheap cable, bad connectors, and so on. That
>> can often cost you a few dB. In the product I designed I spent more time
>> then I care to admit trying to make a very tough loss budget that I set out
>> as a goal.
>>>There is no substitute for link margin, you can never really have enough.
>>>I can confirm that our sweeps with a spectrum analyzer show lots of
>> opportunity to use 5 and 10 MHz channels, as others have also noted. For
>> WISPs it would be "nice" if chip vendors designed the radios so that you
>> could set the channel bandwidth from 5-40 MHz in 1 MHz increments. It can be
>> done but probably won't be, although maybe the Microsoft WhiteFI stuff force
>> the chip vendors to do it. In WiMax and LTE they are already doing some
>> things close to this. Still 5, 10, and 20 isn't bad and probably hits the
>> sweet spot or 80/20 rule.
>>>One of the down sides of fitting a 5 or 10 MHz channel in a sweet spot is
>> that it can change at any time.
>>>At 9:58 AM -0500 10/1/09, Jason Hensley wrote:
>>>    </pre>
>>>    <blockquote type="cite">
>>>      <pre wrap="">In 2.4 land, if you have a lot of noise, which protocol
>> is better - B or G?
>>>Is it better to run an AP as locked into one mode or is it OK to do a mix?
>>>Max I want off of 2.4 customers is 3meg so not that worried about the extra
>>>speed that G will provide, but, I would like to know which is more stable?
>>>I've always thought that B was more stable overall but just provided less
>>>bandwidth.  I've gotten some info that may counter that.  What's the
>>>real-world experience with folks in a high-noise environment, combined with
>>>a higher useage AP?
>>>I've got an AP that we've run in B mode only for a while.  We've started
>>>having problems with it - speeds go from 3meg at the customer to 200k and
>>>fluctuate constantly.  We've worked with RTS, ACK timeouts, etc etc and
>>>nothing seems to have improved the stability.  For testing purposes we put
>>>up another AP right next to the one we're having trouble with.  Switched
>> two
>>>of our gaming clients to that one (setup as G mode only) and they seem to
>> be
>>>doing better, but not quite as good as we feel they could be.  This is on
>>>Deliberant AP's (Duos).  The backhaul part of it is not the issue - we can
>>>pull close to 15meg back to our office when cabled into the AP.  We have
>>>other Deliberant APs that are running MANY more clients than this one so we
>>>know it's not limitations of the equipment.  AP is on top of a water tower.
>>>Have taken all clients off and brought them back on one by one and it did
>>>not reveal anything significant.  With just one customer on the AP started
>>>acting up again.  Swapped radios in the AP thinking we could have one going
>>>bad and still no luck.
>>>2.4 antennas are H-pol.  We have a ton of noise in the area, but we've been
>>>through basically every channel and it did not help either.  Other AP's in
>>>the vicinity are performing fine.  Thought of the multipath issue so we
>>>raised our test AP up a little higher than the other one.  As I said, the
>>>test AP seems to be better, but next to it on top of the tower we can get
>>>around 8 or 9 meg down (locked into G mode), but at the CPE's we're still
>>>barely getting 2.5-2.8meg.
>>>Any thoughts?  We changed everything we can.  The new "test" AP has a 9db
>>>antenna compared to the 13db on the "production" AP.  Other than that, they
>>>are identical as far as equipment goes.
>>>So, back to the subject question though, what's real-world experience with
>>>G-only mode in the field?
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>>>  </blockquote>
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>>>  </pre>
>>><pre class="moz-signature" cols="80">--
>>>Jack Unger - President, Ask-Wi.Com, Inc.
>>>Author - "Deploying License-Free Wireless WANs"
>>>Serving the Broadband Wireless Industry Since 1993
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