IMHO, the only way to do something like this where the office is mobile is
with cellular service (although he will need to VPN back to the Police HQ)
or to use a Mesh network designed for mobility (since 802.11G tends to fall
apart past 30MPH or so).

Unless this city want's to make a major investment in Mesh... I'd tell him
to stick with the cellular air cards (Verizon, AT&T, whatever) and be done
with it.  Hacking together a solution is probably more effort than its
worth, and there could be theoretical consequences if the network doesn't
operate correctly.

I'm still nowhere close to being able to offload this... but down the pipe I
know of a city that is replacing their MOTOMESH Solo network with MOTOMESH
Duo... so those nodes would probably be cheap... and it allows the cop cards
to go up to 144MPH in the Mesh and still stay connected (its actually really
cool technology developed for the US Military... but the most it can do is
T1 speeds)

Daniel White
3-dB Networks

>-----Original Message-----
>From: [] On
>Behalf Of Robert West
>Sent: Saturday, October 17, 2009 9:05 AM
>To: WISPA General List
>Subject: [WISPA] Ideas on Police Department Wireless Link from Station
>to Cruiser
>I got a call Friday afternoon from the police chief of a small little
>in the road asking about the possibility of connecting his cruisers to
>station network via a wireless link.  (He is the "Police Chief" but I
>suspect he is also the entire police force)  He said that the local Wal-
>has agreed to donate to him a few of those little Acer 7" screen
>which are a big piece of crap from the number of repairs we've had to do
>them...  Anyhow, he wants to be able to be in the cruiser and connect to
>network back at the station and use the websites from the Attorney
>office where he can run plates, drivers license info and also fill out
>Here's the setup..
>This Burg is a bit less than 2 miles long and about one and a half miles
>wide.  The town hall is equivalent to a 4 story building and they also
>a water tower that looks to be 100 foot tall.  The terrain is flat as
>can be
>and they have the normal scattering of trees.  The Town Hall and water
>are the tallest structures by far aside from a large grain elevator
>outside of town.  Boy wants to connect to his network anywhere in town
>his cop-mobile as well as when he is at home, also within the town.
>We've done plenty of private networks but it's all been in the 2.4 and
>band.  He was thinking he could just throw up a 2.4ghz link and be good
>I told him to hold on, I didn't think he could broadcast the Attorney
>Generals network to every antenna in town, I had to do some research.
>this, because of my utterly blatant laziness, is my research. J
>Has anyone been down this path?  What can we do and not do?
>I have a meeting with the guy next Wednesday and want to have some idea
>what we're up against on this one.  (Hopefully he doesn't recognize me
>the guy who took him to court over a ticket he wrote for a crooked
>plate...  I won that one by the way)
>Thanks for any help!
>Robert West
>Just Micro Digital Services Inc.
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