>From my understanding from others doing that very thing h pol is far better 
>over water then v pol and I would agree that it would work better with the 
>wave going side to side instead of up and down (less chance of bounced 
>reflection on the water surface causing multipath issues). 

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-----Original Message-----
From: Jeremy Parr <jeremyp...@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 28 Oct 2009 09:20:58 
To: WISPA General List<wireless@wispa.org>
Subject: [WISPA] Long 5Ghz link over water

I have a 23 mile link completely over water that I cannot get stable.
One end is approx 200ft AGL, 220ft ASL, the other end is 50' AGL, 90'
ASL. Antennas are V-Pol 29dbi grids, radios are R5H cards. I have
tried the link at both 5.2, and 5.8, but it still fluctuates
dramatically. When the antennas were installed and configured for a
5Mhz channel, I was able to aim them to -55, but still they go down
during parts of the day. I have a second antenna hung on the 200ft
end, at about 185', connected to a second R5H set up for H-Pol which I
am going to light up as soon as I get the other end mounted H-Pol. Any
other suggestions for getting this stable? I also notice some
strangeness when doing bandwidth tests. I can get a steady 8mbps
downstream from the 200ft end to the 50' end, but from the 50' end to
the 200ft end, the transfer starts at about 6mbps, then slowly drops
down to 0, and the client radio (the 50' end) drops. My assumption is
multipath reflections off of the water at the lower end, but I cannot
be sure. The water is tidal, with as much as a 3' change from low to
high, and is connected to the ocean, so there can be considerable chop
and wave action on the surface.

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