Agreed. I know this might not necessary have a direct precedence for the US
market but I know in the past on some things like this the US courts,
judges, attorneys and the like has looked at what other countries have done
and taken a serious look on the reasoning why they went a specific direction
so this case even if it's in Australia cannot be anything but a good thing
for us in the US. Now if it been a different country like say China or India
then well I would almost dare to say the US court system might do the
opposite just cause. But consider the historical information both court
system wise as well country origin and laws I believe this is a good thing
and should be to the US ISP's favor. 

/ Eje

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On
Behalf Of Robert West
Sent: Thursday, February 04, 2010 10:25 AM
To: 'WISPA General List'
Subject: Re: [WISPA] IPS Cleared of copyright infringement

Very good!

I've always had the thought that if I, as a provider of access to the
internet am responsible for how the users behave..........  I would like to
stretch that out and hold everyone responsible for other things such as if a
burglar uses the highway to come to your house to rob me, they should
compensate me, the telco that he used to plan the crime should compensate
me, the cell phone provider he used for his buddy outside to call to warn
him if someone was coming into the house should compensate me.

The problem is, they are just looking for everyone else to blame for their
issues and want us all to police and be responsible for their property. 

It's this sort of thing that has to be held off or else we become the Big
Brother society that many want us to be.  I know, I know.....  We are almost
already there.  It's been Frog Soup (look it up) but we're seeing more of it
happening more openly and I applaud this court for actually having the
testicular fortitude to say "NO".


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On
Behalf Of Eje Gustafsson
Sent: Thursday, February 04, 2010 9:28 AM
To: 'WISPA General List'
Subject: [WISPA] IPS Cleared of copyright infringement

Thought this might be found interesting by some

Granted not US based but sets a bit of a precedence I think.


/ Eje 



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