One thing I've always wondered is why they only want to know what areas you 
have customers in, not what areas you can service.

---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: Edward Spoon <>
Reply-To: WISPA General List <>
Date:  Wed, 17 Feb 2010 21:28:30 -0600

>Which is probably why my state just started their own required bi-annual
>broadband filing report. The preferred method was census BLOCK, luckily that
>was optional and tract was acceptable. Hopefully it stays that way! I spent
>over 30 man hours (much of it after hours, and with Brian's help) getting
>the tract data / correct format the first time, but since we are now
>maintaining it I have already completed the March 1 FCC filing - took less
>than 1 hour!
>I refuse to let my brain contemplate starting from scratch again to get
>block level data. Nope. Not happening. Forget it. No way, (You know we're
>gonna have to eventually!!)
>On Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 11:40 AM, Brian Webster <
>> wrote:
>> Yes there is a check box, that has been the problem with sharing the data.
>> The FCC was even sued for a FOIA release of the From 477 data by The Center
>> for Public Integrity in 2007. They were not required to release the
>> information.
>> Thank You,
>> Brian Webster
>>   -----Original Message-----
>>  From: Ken Hohhof []
>>  Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2010 12:33 PM
>>  To:
>>  Subject: Re: [WISPA Members] [Motorola II] WISP's are killing
>> themselves!!!!- New FCC form 477 report is out, not looking good for Fixed
>> Wireless
>>   Well, I can see how that's a problem.
>>  Is there actually a checkbox where you choose to protect or not protect
>> your data?  I don't remember that.  But I haven't done the March 1
>> submission yet.
>>  If that's the case, and they are prohibited from sharing the data with
>> other government entities doing broadband mapping, I don't have a solution
>> for that.
>>  From: Brian Webster
>>  Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2010 11:22 AM
>>  To: Ken Hohhof ;
>>  Subject: RE: [WISPA Members] [Motorola II] WISP's are killing
>> themselves!!!!- New FCC form 477 report is out, not looking good for Fixed
>> Wireless
>>  The biggest problem with not providing the 477 data to the state or making
>> it available to those seeking grants, is the fact that people who file the
>> data have checked the box that requires the FCC to protect it under NDA
>> (Marlon do you remember this issue? As I recall you were one of the
>> cheerleaders on that topic). The WISP's were the ones insisting that that
>> option be available before they would file. Now the same industry it
>> bitching about the fact that the data is not being distributed...can't have
>> it both ways. The FCC has shared the data with NTIA and RUS and those
>> agencies are protecting that same NDA.  Those agencies are using the data
>> to
>> cross reference grant applications and challenges.
>>  Thank You,
>>  Brian Webster
>>     -----Original Message-----
>>    From: Ken Hohhof []
>>    Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2010 12:03 PM
>>    To:;
>>    Subject: Re: [WISPA Members] [Motorola II] WISP's are killing
>> themselves!!!!- New FCC form 477 report is out,not looking good for Fixed
>> Wireless
>>     Brian, this thread leaves me puzzled about a few things.
>>    1) Why are we so worried about the US "falling behind" the rest of the
>> world in broadband, while the fact that China is leaving us in the dust in
>> high speed rail generates a mere yawn?  (same with solar and wind power ...
>> technology, manufacturing, and deployment)
>>    2) Does anyone really believe this is about high speed pipes for
>> telemedicine, or kids doing their homework?  What is the national security
>> issue with making sure every house is wired for 4 simultaneous streams of
>> on-demand high definition 3D entertainment?  Are we afraid of falling
>> behind
>> the Chinese in the couch potato race?
>>    3) This is a census year.  Why is the census not being used to get this
>> data directly from end users?  Think of the questions you could ask, not
>> just about what speeds people have, but why they don't have higher speeds.
>> (unavailable?  too expensive?  not needed?  don't even have a computer?
>> only use the Internet for texting and tweeting from their cellphone?)
>>    4) Any other statistical survey would correct for known measurement
>> errors.  For example, by checking a sample of the data against
>> independently
>> obtained data known to be accurate.  Or correcting for known measurement
>> inaccuracies.  Like if you know that only 10% of Amish households have
>> phones while 90% of the general population does, you might want to multiply
>> the Amish responses in a phone survey by 9.  So if they know only 50% of
>> WISPs are submitting Form 477, wouldn't it make sense to multiply the
>> numbers by 2?  It wouldn't be perfect, but it would be more accurate than
>> making decisions based on clearly wrong data.
>>    5) Why is a fortune in stimulus money being handed out in state mapping
>> grants, for a one-time measurement, and for results that won't be available
>> in time for the broadband plan next month?
>>    6) Why is no one cross referencing Form 477 data to state mapping
>> projects?  I look at the Connect Illinois map, and it clearly does not
>> include some of the biggest WISPs in my area, for example T6 Broadband.
>>  Yet
>> those WISPs are in the dropdown box for Form 477, so evidently they
>> submitted Form 477 data.  If they have a bunch of customers in a certain
>> census tract, apparently they have coverage in that census tract.  Would it
>> not make sense for the state map to include this data, even if the WISPs
>> chose not to give Connected Nation a spreadsheet of all their APs to
>> independently generate a coverage map?  I mean, come on guys, decisions are
>> being made on the basis of data that someone can easily demonstrate is very
>> wrong.  It's like saying my sister doesn't exist and making decisions based
>> on her non-existence, just because she didn't send me a Christmas card.
>>    7) If insufficient broadband speed is such a monumental problem, why is
>> it proving so difficult to obtain the data to back it up?
>>    I think maybe we're obsessing too much about the people who can only get
>> 3M DSL or 6M WiMAX or 10M cable, but to prove whose dick is bigger we want
>> them to get 100M or 1000M because we heard on TV that everybody in Hong
>> Kong
>> has that.  So far the free market has done a pretty good job of getting
>> those people faster and faster speeds.  And if we're trying to determine
>> who
>> CAN'T get broadband, we're going about it backwards by having providers
>> tell
>> us everyone who CAN and then seeing who got left out.
>>    I'll tell you how to quickly identify all the unserved areas in the
>> country.  Get a list of street addresses from Hughesnet of all their
>> customers.  Anywhere you have a concentration of Hughesnet dishes, clearly
>> those people have no other choice.  It's like someone announced, hey
>> everybody who can't get high speed Internet, stick a big ugly dish on your
>> roof so we can identify you easily from space.
>>    From: Brian Webster
>>    Sent: Monday, February 15, 2010 2:37 PM
>>    To: ; WISPA List ; WISPA Board ; memb...@wispa. org
>>    Subject: Re: [WISPA Members] [Motorola II] WISP's are killing
>> themselves!!!!- New FCC form 477 report is out,not looking good for Fixed
>> Wireless
>>    As many of you know I participated on a panel last week with 2 FCC
>> staffers. Here is the text of an email I just sent to them:
>>    Paul and John;
>>        I just reviewed the latest form 477 report. I am dismayed by the
>> results for the fixed wireless industry. I cannot believe, and I am sure
>> you
>> don't either that there was a 39.6% decline in subscribers over 6 months
>> when there were 112 more operators reporting. The only conclusion I can
>> draw
>> is that fixed wireless operators who reported in the past using the zip
>> code
>> method, did not file when they were required to report by census tract.
>> Many
>> of those operators must have had a large customer base.
>>        As I mentioned on the panel, I have assisted some WISP's file their
>> 477 reports by mapping their customer databases and assigning the proper
>> tract data to each record. In talking with most of them, it became apparent
>> that the FCC did not provide an adequate tool to help those people file.
>> While it is possible to look up a single address and get the tract data,
>> there were no provisions to allow for a bulk upload and query to assign
>> this
>> information. Many of the 20 or so WISP's I helped had databases of 1,200 to
>> 1,400 records. That would be a very time consuming process to do one at a
>> time.
>>        Most small WISP's do not have the GIS skills or tools to deal with
>> this issue that major carriers already have on staff. Zip codes were easy
>> because it was already part of the information they had on hand. If
>> possible
>> there should be a tool to address this issue which should increase the
>> reporting numbers from those who had participated in the past.
>>     Thank You,
>>    Brian Webster
>>    214 Eggleston Hill Rd.
>>    Cooperstown, NY 13326
>>    (607) 643-4055 Office
>>    (607) 435-3988 Mobile
>>    (208) 692-1898 Fax
>>    Skype: Radiowebst
>>      -----Original Message-----
>>       From: []on Behalf Of
>> Peter
>> Kranz
>>      Sent: Monday, February 15, 2010 1:50 PM
>>      To:
>>       Subject: RE: [Motorola II] WISP's are killing themselves!!!! - New
>> FCC
>> form 477 report is out, not looking good for Fixed Wireless
>>      Maybe they can keep making this report harder and harder to fill out
>> so we all just stop doing it..
>>      That report is a huge waste of my staffs time. And based on the
>> underlying edits and validations you can tell their system computes the
>> census tracks internally to verify it matches the one you provide. The
>> system should accept data in a way that is simple for a WISP to provide and
>> derive the census tracks, etc.. maybe then more people would provide the
>> data.
>>      Peter Kranz
>>      Founder/CEO - UnwiredLtd
>>      Desk: 510-868-1614 x100
>>      Mobile: 510-207-0000
>>       From: [] On Behalf Of
>> Chuck McCown
>>      Sent: Monday, February 15, 2010 10:41 AM
>>      To:
>>       Subject: Re: [Motorola II] WISP's are killing themselves!!!! - New
>> FCC
>> form 477 report is out, not looking good for Fixed Wireless
>>      Brian,
>>      Could you find a list of the fixed wireless companies so we can all
>> verify we are on the list?
>>      From: Brian Webster
>>      Sent: Monday, February 15, 2010 11:36 AM
>>      To: WISPA List ; memb...@wispa. org ; WISPA Board ; Motorla List
>> Beehive
>>       Subject: [Motorola II] WISP's are killing themselves!!!! - New FCC
>> form 477 report is out, not looking good for Fixed Wireless
>>      The latest FCC report on form 477 broadband data is out
>> (
>> While
>> I don't see a whole lot of useful data in it, I do see where WISP's are
>> killing themselves and the industry, why?
>>        a.. In the periods prior to the December 2008 report, fixed wireless
>> has shown a steady increase in subscribers. The last reporting period the
>> number of subscribers dropped from 808,000 to 488,000!!! That's a 39.6%
>> drop
>> in the actual data that had been previously reported. Know I know that most
>> of the problem is the fact they now require census tract reporting rather
>> than zip codes, but dropping like this does not help the industry as a
>> whole.
>>        b.. Because of the low number of reported subscribers, the reporting
>> by technology portions of the report does not even earn fixed wireless a
>> spot on the charts in it's own category. It's lumped in with the 1.4% total
>> of all other technologies compared to the rest of the broadband industry.
>> Hell Satellite has their own category with .9%.
>>        c.. The total number of fixed wireless providers reporting is 617.
>> That means there are a huge number of WISP's not filing form 477 and those
>> that didn't report must have a large number of subscribers. The previous
>> period where fixed wireless had 808,000 subscribers had only 505 WISP's
>> report! Matt Larsen and the WISP directory have around 1,800 WISP's
>> registered. I've heard other estimates between 2,000 and over 4,000. Only
>> 617 fixed wireless operators reporting is not helping the cause at all.
>>        d.. The National broadband plan is being formulated as we speak,
>> looking at those statistics it appears the WISP industry is in a serious
>> decline and that as a total percentage of broadband provided to consumers
>> nationally, they make no significant difference.
>>      If you were a government policy maker, would you even pay attention to
>> WISP's. I certainly would not. They have to make decisions based on data
>> and
>> that benefit the majority of the country. WISP's have thumbed their noses
>> at
>> providing this data for years. I think it is really going to bite them in
>> the butt now. Fiber to the home is coming liking it or not. USF reform is
>> coming like it or not. USF reform is going to subsidize broadband to the
>> very markets wireless serves more economically today. Removing that
>> advantage is going to put the WISP industry in serious trouble.
>>      The manufacturers are killing themselves as well. In their quest to
>> just sell radios, they have missed the importance of keeping the industry
>> healthy. If the WISP's cannot compete and/or show that they are a
>> significant option to the overall broadband infrastructure in the US, how
>> will they continue to sell product. If anyone knows the true number of
>> WISP's out there it is the manufacturers. They should be leading the charge
>> with groups like WISPA to make sure ALL WISP's stand up and get counted.
>> How
>> hard would it be to stuff each shipment with educational material on the
>> importance of filing form 477?
>>      The current FCC is very open minded but the results of this type of
>> report force them to make decisions that benefit the most people. 488,000
>> is
>> a very small portion of over 129 million homes.
>>      All I can say is ouch........
>>      Thank You,
>>      Brian Webster
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