If you have, join the Yahoo RM group. Lots of help there. Plus links to at least 2 tutorials. Roger does this for a living and his employer sells a very nice commercial package. They have been nice enough to allow him to to RM for free, so we get a super program at no cost. This also means that Open Source is out, as I am sure the source is too similar to their commercial package. If you want the pay version, I am sure an e-mail to him would get you company contact information.

There are at least 2 users that have done documentation and step-by-step tutorials. Again, available from the Yahoo group.

If you just do the radio link function, it does not choose the best network, it chooses the first network that both end-points are a member of. There is a tutorial for best path analysis and it works fairly well.

The only time I would see a need for antenna patterns is if you have a fixed-base AP and mobile CPE. If both are fixed-base, I am not sure what the patterns will gain you. I do the same thing; I have a 5.8 network, a 2.4 network and a 900 network. Most of my POPs are setup with 3 120* sectors, so all POPs are setup with an omni of the same gain as the sector antenna. In my experience so far, the results are fairly accurate when there is clear line-of-sight. If there are a significant number of trees in the path, it obviously is not so good. I suppose if you have 2 90* sectors trying to cover 360* you would want patterns to find the nulls and edges, but if you have antennas for full coverage, the pattern probably is not so important. For point to point links, antenna pattern does not matter , assuming you are planning to aim the antennas directly at each other as that is the assumption RM makes.

The Yahoo group has also had discussions about exports and imports. There are several things you can do. Again, check out the tutorials.

I would have to disagree about the need for many improvements. Granted, I have been using it for over 5 years, but I find everything to be where expected and do what it should. Roger is open to suggestion, though. Let him know what you would like to see.

Fred Goldstein wrote:
At 7/21/2010 11:41 AM, MarlonS wrote:
Radio Mobile hates everyone that doesn't use it every day.

It's a great tool, but boy is it frustrating! Roger has done a wonderful thing by putting this out there for free and improving it as he has. But there are so many things that could be done to improve it, especially the clumsy user interface. If it were an open source project, then more people could contribute to the effort. If he had a premium payware version, then he'd have incentive to at least prettify the pay version.

Documentation wouldn't hurt either...

My current project has set up three "networks" using the same batch of nodes. One is 5.8 GHz backhaul. One is 900 MHz backhaul, for heavy-forest paths. One is 5.8 GHz access. When it does the "show networks", it doesn't seem to find the best path, but it's not terribly predictable as to which common "network" it's using. So I end up having to do path-by-path comparisons anyway.

My next chore is to add antenna patterns. I think this means taking each node and turning it into two or three nodes, if it has two or three separate sectors. I can "save network" as a CSV, but that seems to only save the node locations. Copying network parameters between projects seems impossible. :=(

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: Robert West <mailto:robert.w...@just-micro.com>
    To: WISPA General List <mailto:wireless@wispa.org>
    Sent: Tuesday, July 20, 2010 7:38 PM
    Subject: [WISPA] Ping --- Radio Mobile Hates Me.


    (Had to)


    Still fighting the animal that is Radio Mobile.

    Why does Radio mobile Hate Me?

    I should have been a HAM.  Maybe it's just bad Karma........


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Fred Goldstein k1io fgoldstein "at" ionary.com ionary Consulting http://www.ionary.com/
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