That's what Verizon's rural LTE program was all about. It has been discussed on one of the WISPA lists.

Mike Hammett
Intelligent Computing Solutions

On 1/28/2011 10:12 AM, Fred Goldstein wrote:
At 1/28/2011 10:46 AM, Scottie Arnett wrote:
Thanks Chuck, I had to Google that one. Has anyone ever done this? What is required to become a MVNO? Is there a difference in just offering data? Do you have to be a CLEC? Ah, so many questions...

I could get some customers with this. I have turned prospective customers to these companies before that I could not service and they could not get DSL.

There are two ways to have a wholesale (not dealer) relationship with the CMRS carrier. MVNO is more common, where you lease the network wholesale (by the account, minute, etc.) and sell it as your own. Tracfone, Credo and various other MVNOs operate in the US, though I think it's a bigger business in Europe. Sprint is probably the most receptive to it; while ATTM and VZW have some MVNO deals, they are more interested in having their own retail customers.

The other arrangement is to have your own rural cellular system and franchise it as part of the big carrier's network. This isn't too common, but Verizon Wireless wants the widest LTE coverage they can get, and since they'd rather concentrate their own resources in top markets, they'll allow third parties to build networks in some rural areas and operate them as part of VZW. Obviously the two companies would have to settle on financial arrangements; the smaller company would presumably be putting up the capital and essentially letting VZW be an MVNO on its network. A WISP with a decent tower footprint and the capital to build an LTE network might find that attractive.

 Fred Goldstein    k1io   fgoldstein "at"
 ionary Consulting
 +1 617 795 2701

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