I think you are confusing public service with politicians...it is a fine 
line...remember actors make some of the best politicians....it is not about 
doing good...it is all about making it look good, and convincing..

You should watch Eddie Murphy's movie...The Distinguished Gentleman... There 
are a few great lines in it...they go something like this.."...so..this is just 
like the two bit scams I was running...except this is about a lot more 
money...and it is legal !"


On Sep 19, 2011, at 12:45 AM, "Tom DeReggi" <wirelessn...@rapiddsl.net> wrote:

> To explain my mentality on that...
> I believe most congressman are people with good intentions who want to do 
> good for their state, and effect posititve change. Intentions are always 
> good.  If they weren't they never would have got into politics in the first 
> place.  Many have high ethical morals, to fight for the cause, and never 
> consider selling out their beliefs.  Most people when they have a decent 
> amount of money that affords them a fine basic life without to much 
> compromise, its usually enough, for them to stay strong to their morals.  The 
> issue comes when a congressman has to choose between his family and his 
> constituents. Family will always be more important to a congressman that is 
> also a mother or father. They want to provide for their family to the best of 
> their abilty. They want to get their kids in a good college. Etc etc. What 
> I've observed is that most corruption doesn't happen for millions or billions 
> of dollars of profit for the guy that looked the other way.  Its usually a 
> few thousand here or there of indirect benefits, that starts to add up. 
> Saving a $1000 here or there helps. Sometimes, the corrupted person doesn't 
> even realise they are being corrupt, it just sneaks up on them.  Maybe it was 
> just pulling a strong to get a kid accpeted to a school. Or maybe a trip that 
> gets doubled as a vacation. But I beleive that if a salary will cover every 
> basic expense their familiy will want to have a good life, and the politician 
> never has to consider, "if I do this, how will it effect my familly", than it 
> makes it a much easy decission for hte politician. Then it just becomes greed 
> against morals. And most politicians, care more about public opinion and 
> their status in a community, which is more valuable than a buck here or 
> there.  When people get corrupt, its also often because they feel discruntled 
> or that something is owed to them for their hard work, and never received 
> what they deserved through the standard legal methods, for their hard work.
> If making the laws for billions of people is not important enough to get a 
> high salary what in the world possibly would be? I know self employed truck 
> drivers without a high scool diploma that have made $150k per year. Shouldn't 
> an untouchable uncorruptable highly educated and publically supported 
> politician be able to do better? Why should a football player make millions 
> and a politician that got elected by million only get middle class?  IF good 
> educated men can make better money going into business or being another 
> lawyer, why would they waste their time in congress? How do we get the best 
> people into congress? Quite honestly, I beleive a congressman has earned 
> their right to a better life, and their employer, (the government and 
> taxpayer) should pay for it.
> So much rides on the decission of a congressman. Billions of dollars are 
> influenced daily. Whats a few extra thousand going to the decission maker, 
> that upheld his morals to represent his constituents?
> The problem with politicians is not their paycheck. The problem is their lack 
> of understanding of the issues to make informed decissions. Or that they are 
> on the take by big money lobbiest, and make the wrong decissions for the 
> wrong reasons. How does one combat that? Not by attacking the congressman's 
> paycheck. The answer is good solid clever lobbying that gains the 
> congressman's symnpthee, and preys on his ability to execute sound judgement 
> for the right reasons, the reasons he got into politics in the first place.
> What I'm not against is putting a limit on how much money political parties 
> can receive from a lobbiest or constituent. I'm all for reducing the paycheck 
> to a party, and reducing the power of the big money lobbiest.  But not 
> against legitimate salary pay to a congressman specifically.
> The American dream is that those that try harder go farther. Politicians have 
> just as much of a right to be a beneficiary of the American Dream. And its 
> should be shown to the public, so young kids will say to themselves, "one day 
> maybe I'll be a congressman, and make a difference, and provide for my family 
> well", instead of what ever profession could make them the highest dollar. 
> And I tell you, the average Harvard or Ivy League law school graduate's 
> target career salary isn't typically under $170 per year.
> We give politicians a hard time. But the truth is, its a demanding high paced 
> job.  Heck, they'd have to pay me atleast $170k just for the requirement to 
> wear that noose (tie) around my neck, and straight jacket (suit) throughout 
> the hot summer months.
> Just my opinion.
> Tom DeReggi
> RapidDSL & Wireless, Inc
> IntAirNet- Fixed Wireless Broadband
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Josh Luthman
> To: WISPA General List
> Sent: Sunday, September 18, 2011 10:37 PM
> Subject: Re: [WISPA] Weekend Politics that Make Sense
> Because that's what people with money want, less money?
> I don't agree with that at all.
> Josh Luthman
> Office: 937-552-2340
> Direct: 937-552-2343
> 1100 Wayne St
> Suite 1337
> Troy, OH 45373
> On Sun, Sep 18, 2011 at 10:36 PM, Tom DeReggi <wirelessn...@rapiddsl.net> 
> wrote:
> I personally think congress man should be paid more, so they are less likely 
> to take bribes behind the scene, (or similar principle as bribes that might 
> still be legal)
> Tom DeReggi
> RapidDSL & Wireless, Inc
> IntAirNet- Fixed Wireless Broadband
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Cliff Leboeuf
> To: FISPA Members List ; WISPA General List
> Sent: Saturday, September 17, 2011 8:28 AM
> Subject: [WISPA] Weekend Politics that Make Sense
> Should members of Congress cut their salaries or raise the age at which they 
> can draw a congressional pension when many Americans are making personal 
> sacrifices during the country's prolonged economic crisis?
> A congressman makes $174,000 a year. However, that may not be enough for one 
> freshman who said he's finding it hard to get by on his salary.
> Call/email your representative and make it know that this idea is worthy of 
> passing.
> http://www.cnn.com/2011/POLITICS/09/16/congress.salary/index.html?hpt=hp_c1
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