Hi All,

I've just spent an amazing two days circling the Capital, with a great group
of folks, spreading the WISP message!

We had 25 or so folks who split in to teams (the whole thing was set up and
implemented by Forbes Mercy!) and went to visit the Congressional offices
for each of the team members.  We found staffers who REALLY wanted to know
about what WISPs are doing to bring broadband to the unserved!  We got to
speak directly to a number of Congressmen and Senators too!

Some of these folks were not particularly technical.  Some were more
technical than the WISPs that visited.  The most powerful tool we had were
the state broadband maps.  EVERYONE can read a map, even if they don't know
a AP from the UP.  

My plea is this:  PLEASE make the effort to get your WISP on the state and
national maps!!!  If you aren't on there, for these folks, you don't exist.
If you aren't a member of WISPA, PLEASE join!  The power of numbers was
incredibly clear.

Lastly, I believe that these trips are going to become a regular event.  You
owe it to yourself, your business, and your industry to make every effort to
be a part of this process.  Get to know your Congressmen.  Get to know the
key staff.  Keep in touch with them.  Be a resource.  Come visit DC for an
Advocacy Day.



Jeff Broadwick
Sales Manager, Blue Technology
574-935-8484 x106 (US/Can)
574-220-7826 (Cell)
+1 574-935-8484 (Int'l)

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