We have set up a free unlimited account for WECAT committee use of
towercoverage.com.  Anyone can sign up to show members of the committee
their participation in this effort.  Only members of the WECAT committee
have access to your information.  The sign up form is basically what you
see on your towercoverage.com data collection form website integration.
There are some additional information we would like to collect in order
to best provide needed assistance in the event of an anomaly/emergency.
The meteor explosion in Russia this morning should have given us all a
wake up call!!! 


Everyone has something to contribute!  If you can provide internet
access or anything at all in an area that is devastated, you're a
Hero!!! Tampex were a big hit after Katrina!


We have some work to do on the form for this so in the meantime, please
enter in comments for:

Type of service you can provide? 4G, LTE, Fixed Wireless, Fiber, Cable,
DSL, WIMAX, etc.

Can you help with tower climbers?

Antennas, radios, or other gear you can help with?

Support, configuration, engineering?

Generators, wenches (not the type wenches you bought candy for vDay),
gyn poles, bucket trucks, etc.?

Fabrication equ. Welders, oxy/act rigs, tool trucks?

Any other things that might be useful in an emergency? 

A portable shower would have been a big hit after KatrinaJ so post what
you have and can share? 


Thx, for your support and hopefully these services will never be needed!


If you would like to participate in helping, please sign up here:



If you would like to show coverage you can provide in the event of an
emergency but  not sure how to use the site, just give me a call.  I'm
happy to help in any way I can!


Everyone will appreciate any help/support we can get!


Jim Patient

Link Technologies, Inc.

Cell: 314-565-6863

314-735-0270 x102

http://wlan1.com <http://wlan1.com>  

http://towercoverage.com <http://towercoverage.com/> 

http://www.linktechs.net <http://www.linktechs.net/>  



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