We got hit by this. Real Bummer. 4,000 connections pounding ports 123 and 19 on one IP address. 30 meg sustained and 70 - 80 meg peaks. Took down the entire 100 meg fiber due to the massive packets per second. It is still ongoing but our upstream had to block it at the edge and is still eating the bandwidth. You can not block it yourself so get help right away.

Why us? I think a gamer on our network pissed off some hacker in a chat room who had access to a botnet.
You can rent a botnet for $200 a day if you can prove you are not the FBI.


On 1/17/2014 7:24 AM, Joe Miller wrote:

We had a network outage yesterday afternoon, and thanks to Mike Francis at JMF Solutions the problem went away. So, anyone who needs network help...I would strongly recommend Mike Francis at JMF Solutions.

Kudos to Mike Francis.


Joe Miller



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