Anyone else using VoX for VoIP service?


We lost inbound calling today.  I just received this from VoX:


Dear Customer,

At approximately 1:00PM EDT today one of our main suppliers of inbound phone
numbers disconnected us.
We apologize for this. We know it  will cause problems for some customers.
VoX did everything it could to keep all services running smoothly.
Unfortunately, this was unavoidable.
This problem should not affect outbound calls and we urge you to email should you have issues calling out from your VoX

Due to recent problems the company has had raising funds for continued
operations, we have had to make some very tough decisions with the resources
and carriers that are currently available to us.

If your service was affected because of this issue, you have two options.

1. We can offer you a replacement phone number in your rate center at no
cost to you.
2. You can switch your service to another phone company.

If you want a replacement phone number, please send an email to Please be sure to include your account number, or,
current VoX phone number.

Thank You,
VoX Support Team








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