On 10/23/2014 3:00 PM, Bryce Duchcherer wrote:

Does anybody know of a 24GHz radio that is smaller than 1'?

It doesn't have to go very far, but we are wanting 24GHz.

It may be a problem because the FCC rules for that band are pretty strict. From 15.249:

(3) Antenna gain must be at least 33
dBi. Alternatively, the main lobe
beamwidth must not exceed 3.5 degrees.
The beamwidth limit shall apply to
both the azimuth and elevation planes.
At antenna gains over 33 dBi or
beamwidths narrower than 3.5 degrees,
power must be reduced to ensure that
the field strength does not exceed 2500

So you can't get much smaller than a foot an still stay within the 3.5 degree beamwidth, at least using oonventional dishes. (To be sure, I haven't done or seen a computation of exactly how big a dish that would be, or what alternative shapes would do, but I assume that the uniformity of 24 GHz antennas is based on that rule.)

 Fred R. Goldstein      k1io    fred "at" interisle.net
 Interisle Consulting Group
 +1 617 795 2701

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