Can someone comment on whether this new ruling is going to pass or not:


New FAA Marking Requirements May Impact Rural Towers Under 200 Feet 


A recently passed law, the FAA Extension, Safety, and Security Act of
2016 (Act), will affect certain towers that are between fifty (50) and
two hundred (200) feet in height by requiring that many of these towers
in rural areas be marked and lit. The law, passed to protect
agricultural aviators (crop dusters), will make rural towers previously
not subject to Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) requirements more
visible with painted markings and other visibility attachments.  The Act
also requires these towers to be documented in an FAA database.  The FAA
must issue regulations by July 15, 2017. As compliance with these rules
may prove costly to wireless carriers, particularly where they are
unnecessary, we are working with the Competitive Carriers Association
(CCA) to create an exemption for communication towers.  Your feedback on
specific towers in your service areas is requested.


Summary of the FAA Extension, Safety, and Security Act


The term "covered tower" is defined in Section 2110(d) of the Act as a
structure that: is self-standing or supported by guy wires; is 10 feet
or less in diameter; is between 50 - 200 feet AGL; has accessory
facilities on which equipment is mounted; and is located outside an
incorporated city or town, or on undeveloped or agricultural land. The
term does not include a structure that is:  adjacent to a house, barn,
electric utility station, or other building; within the curtilage of a
farmstead; a utility transmission pole; a wind turbine with a rotor
blade radius over 6 feet; or a street lighted maintained by a Federal,
State, local or tribal entity.


The Act requires that all covered towers constructed on or after the
date on which the regulations take effect must be marked in a manner
consistent with guidance under the FAA Advisory Circular issued on
December 4, 2015 (AC 70/7460-1L) or other guidance as determined by the
Administrator. Existing covered towers, constructed before the
regulations take effect, will have an additional year to comply with the
new regulations. 


AC 70/7460-IL recommends that towers under 200 feet be painted with
alternate bands of aviation orange and white paint. The band width
should be equivalent to 1/7 of the tower height and the paint must be
reapplied if it begins to fade. The Advisory Circular also recommends
that high-visibility sleeves and aviation orange spherical market balls
be installed on any outer guy wires. 


The new law also creates an FAA database of all towers covered under
this provision. The database will contain location and height
information of each Covered Tower. The FAA administrator will ensure
that any proprietary information in the database is protected from
disclosure in accordance with the law. 


Exemption Proposal and Input Request


As mentioned above, we are working with CCA to create an exemption or
carve out for communication towers. Based on meetings with Senate
Commerce Committee staff, CCA is working to include in the exemption any
tower possessing clear, visual cues such as bases, attachments,
antennas, or any equipment critical to service. Other suggestions for
exemption include temporary towers or CoWs, towers that comply with
local zoning ordinances and/or National Historic Preservation Act,
towers with an antenna array over five feet (5') in diameter, guy wired
towers, and towers with antennas that have reflective material. With
regard to the FAA database, an alternative proposal is to make a
database of communication towers available to aviators for reference and
not require those tower owners to mark their towers.  






David Williamson


Custom Computers

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