On 10/13/2017 3:46 PM, Rick Boucher wrote:
> We have 6 or so customers out past 15 miles. They have either Rocket XM with 
> 3RD-5G-30 dishes or NanoBeam M5 400 (XW)
> We’ve upgraded a couple of APs to Rocket 5AC Prisms.
> 20mhz channels.
> New firmware on all of them.  xm6.1.1, xw6.1.1, xc8.4.1
> Broadcast channel does not seem to matter.
> The clients out past 14.5 miles drop all the time - up and down.  When they 
> are up their connection is reasonable 69/71 but throughput is very negligible.
> Seems like they link up at about 25mbps and then the connection deteriorates 
> to kbps and them they drop out.
> On the previous XM Rocket M5 AP the connection stayed up and was serviceable.
> Any adjustments recommended for the connection?
That sounds like what happened to a 26 mile PTP link I had if "PTP 
No-Ack" mode wasn't enabled. Like there's a hardware distance limit (ack 
timeout) that's been exceeded.

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