Did you know there's a freely available solution for AAA and real-time
credit management?

SigScale has developed an Online Charging System (OCS) for mobile
operators who need DIAMETER Ro rating and charging for prepaid
cellular services. Open source is a new business model to the
communications service provider industry but SigScale believes CSPs
will want commercial support for these solutions so we're developing
them and making them freely available to anyone. It's free as in beer.

WISPs should find that SigScale OCS also provides great RADIUS support
and is a lean integrated solution which can be up and running in five
minutes! The following commands are all that is needed for Ubuntu
16.04 LTS (video here: https://youtu.be/DLNE528SXNM)

     sudo dpkg -i sigscale-release*.deb
     sudo apt update
     sudo apt install ocs
     sudo systemctl start ocs
     sudo systemctl status ocs

You can see how you may quickly create prepaid products here:

Vance Shipley, CEO
SigScale Global Inc.
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