Brian Drab wrote:
> I thought I would pass on some more info I found that you /may/ want 
> to consider changing in the User Guide. I’m using 19086 for Wireshark 
> 0.99.3.
>    1. On the first page (the Title page) it has a comma after Ed
>       Warnicke which I believe to be incorrect.
This is done by the conversion process from Docbook/XML to the various 
output formats (using XSL style sheets) and unfortunately can't easily 
be changed.
>    1. Section 1.1.3 – It states “Despite its name, Wireshark can
>       capture traffic…” I believe the “Despite its name” part can be
>       taken out since the name is now Wireshark and not Ethereal.
>    1. Section 1.2.2 – Suse Linux is listed. You may want to uppercase
>       SUSE.
>    1. Section 1.6.2 – It states “For example, there is an explanation
>       how to capture…” I believe the word *on* is missing before the
>       word how.
I'm not a native english speaker myself :-) but that's still looking 
ugly: "on how to capture on a switched network" -> unchanged
>    1. Section 4.7 – It states “…so you will have a guide what to do:”.
>       I believe the word *of *is missing before the word what.
>    1. Section 4.9 – It states “The selection which protocols are
>       counted cannot be changed.” I believe the word *of* is missing
>       after the word selection.
>    1. Section 5.2 – There is a word *behaviour* in there. I believe it
>       should be spelled behavior.
British vs. American english, I like the British version :-)
>    1. Section 5.2.1 – Screen shot still from Ethereal
Yes. There are currently three different file selectors existing: GTK1, 
GTK2 and native Windows. This section needs a complete rewrite 
mentioning this (maybe adding all three versions as a screenshot - I 
will leave it unchanged for now. This apply to the other file selector 
screen shots in this section as well.
>    1. Section 5.3.1 – Screen shot still from Ethereal.
>    2. Section 5.4.1 – Screen shot still from Ethereal.
>    3. Section 5.5 – It states “…the captured data is spreaded over
>       several…” I believe the word spreaded should be *spread*. This
>       is like this a second time in the last paragraph of the shaded
>       block of info.
changed - you could have give me a small hint that there's no such word 
as spreaded ;-)
>    1. Section 5.6.1 – Screen shot still from Ethereal.
>    2. Section 5.6.2 – Screen shot still from Ethereal.
>    3. Section 5.6.4 – Screen shot still from Ethereal.
>    4. Section 5.6.5 – Screen shot still from Ethereal.
>    5. Section 5.6.6 – Screen shot still from Ethereal.
>    6. Section 6.2.1 – It states “The following table gives an overview
>       which functions…”. I believe the word *of* is missing after the
>       word overview.
>    1. Section 6.2.2 – It states “The following table gives an overview
>       which functions…”. I believe the word *of* is missing after the
>       word overview.
>    1. Section 6.2.3 – It states “The following table gives an overview
>       which functions…”. I believe the word *of* is missing after the
>       word overview.
>    1. Figure 6.6 – Screen shot doesn’t really match the paragraph that
>       explains it. The paragraph says packets 1-10 are hidden and that
>       it starts with 11 however the screen shot shows starting at 14.
I've exchanged the screenshot
>    1. Section 6.3 – It states “A list of such fields is available in
>       the Wireshark in the Add Expression…” Something needs changed
>       here. Doesn’t sound correct.

I've changed it to: "available in Wireshark in the Add Expression"
>    1. Section 6.5 – For the Cancel option it states “you can leave the
>       Add Expression… dialog box without any effect by clicking the
>       Cancel”. I believe the word button is missing from the end.
>    1. Section 7.5.2 – It states “The tooltip of the higher level
>       protocol setting will note you if…” I believe the word note
>       should be *notify*.
>    1. Section 7.6 – It states “There are two possible ways to do this
>       conversations…” I believe the word this would be *these*.
>    1. Section 7.6.1 – It states “Name resolution can be invaluable
>       while working with Wireshark and may save you even hours of
>       work.” I believe this should be *may even save you hours of
>       work*. Put the word even after may.
>    1. Section 7.6.1 – It states “…because you can’t connect a name
>       server…”. I believe the word *to* should be after the word connect.
> Again I thought I would do my very small part in contributing to this 
> fantastic product. Thank you.
Thanks for taking the time to write it down and send it to the list.


I know that a general guide description how to analyze a capture file is 
currently missing (and potentially would be much larger than the current 
User's Guide itself).

Are there other things currently missing in the guide that have to be 
added? As a developer myself I'm maybe unaware of problems an "ordinary" 
user might have and missing topics that are just obvious to me.

Regards, ULFL

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