
When time permits I'll rewrite chapter 4, since the thing about running
Wireshark in the build directory has been changed (dare I say improved) by
Guy Harris recently.


On Wed, 17 Jan 2007, Sebastien Tandel wrote:

> Armin Wasicek wrote:
> >> It is not the purpose of README.plugin to describe how to compile
> >> wireshark from svn.
> >>
> >>
> > What's its purpose then?
> >
> > Let me quote the file's section 4, which says
> >
> > ./configure --prefix=${HOME}/build/root;make install
> >
> > Just adding one line before ("./autogen.sh"), could help someone, that's
> > all I'm saying.
> >
> autogen.sh must only be executed while downloading the source from svn ...
> If you have to describe the entire doc of 'how to compile wireshark'
> (lib dependencies, instructions to execute, when downloaded from svn,
> for win32 or unix, ...) for each doc on howto code into specific parts
> of wireshark (dissector, plugin, use of emem, wiretap, ...), it would be
> a mess and impossible to manage.
> A pointer to the doc on the web could be more useful ...
> Regards,
> Sebastien Tandel

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