Bill Fassler wrote:
> I was just modifying a dissector plugin that I wrote a few months back 
> and am having some problems where I least expected them. Since this is 
> similar to what I already have working I am perplexed.  Here is a value 
> string that is not printing out in the dissection.

What do you mean by "not printing out"?  What *does* get displayed in 
the dissection for that field?

> 1) As you can see the value string data is not in numerical order per 
> se, does it have to be? (if so, then I'm screwed)

No, it doesn't have to be in numerical order.

> 2)Also this is the only value string where I directly insert the hex 
> number, could this
> be the problem?

"Directly insert the hex number" in what sense?
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