Todd Vollmer wrote:
> Sorry for the repost. The wiki doesn't mention putting PATCH in the
> subject line and I am new here.
> I have attached a patch for the protocol hierarchy statistics (-z io,
> phs). It's a simple update from a 32 bit unsigned integer to a 64 bit
> version. I am a little uncertain about the portability of the new
> include but I tied to follow how it was done else where in the code.

It should be portable enough since Wireshark now requires 64-bit types. 
  And I'm all about 64-bit counters (32-bits is so, like, 1990's), but:

- Did you actually have a capture with more than 2^32 frames?  On what 
OS and with how much RAM?  I didn't think Wireshark could read files 
that big and I certainly thought it would run out of memory before it 
got that far.  Just curious, really...

- If Wireshark/tshark are going to support more than 2^32 frames, 
there's more changes that should happen too: the frame numbers are 
currently guint32, for example.  Rollover there will mess up the 
statistics the taps are gathering.
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