I have some KNX hardware and some expensive commercial software for it.
I bought this when we renovated our house and installed everything on  
that system, replacing a 75 year old wiring.
Since then I never had time to go too much further with it but there  
was a Linux implementation of some tools which allowed you to use the  
bus. they all used some conversion hardware which is in every switch  
(some kind of bus driver). So it should be fairly easy to get the  
information out of that linux source. As far as I remember it was a  
simple  serial port protocol.

Now EIBNET/IP most probably is oriented very much on the same  
protocol. So it shouldn't be hard to reverse engineer if necessary.
I don't think the specs are sold but just hidden somewhere.

On 11.04.2008, at 20:59, Jaap Keuter wrote:

> Hi,
> This protocol specification is sold by the industry association. So  
> if someone
> is willing to publish the specification, there's nothing much going  
> to happen :/
> Thanx,
> Jaap
> ander rosa anguiano wrote:
>> Hello:
>> I have made a domotic instalation in my home using KNX(EIB) and i  
>> have a
>> knx tcp/ip adapter in my home net.....
>> The protocol is called EIBNET/IP (multicasting UDP 3671)and there  
>> is not
>> a specific disector for this protocol implemented in WIRESHARK...soo
>> i can see that a message has been sniff by the shark but i can not  
>> see
>> the disection tree(details).
>> Could someone develop?Not only for me because i think that many other
>> people will be in the same situation like me....because KNX is  
>> growing
>> and growing...
>> Thank you soo much for your good job friends!!!!!!keep on!!!!
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