I think one way might be to use a combination of conversations. You
could try to create one conversation for each sub-channel. The
conversation should have some way of storing the data from the

Each time you have dissected a frame, append the data from each
sub-channel to each conversation and check if the end of the PDU on a
particular PDU is reached. When you are sure that you have a complete
PDU, create a new tvb from the collected bytes using
tvb_new_real_data, you could possible use that tvb to call other

The downside WS is not automatically show the extra re-assembly
information in the frames.

That my idea as a novice ;-) I am sure someone else might have better
suggestions (or it is even possible that reassembly API is modified to
suit this kind of application).


On Thu, Dec 18, 2008 at 11:01 AM, Vasyl Semchyshyn
<vasyl.semchys...@aricent.com> wrote:
> HI all.
> I know Wireshark can reassemble packets, and I have found several 
> reassembling strategies, but it seams that none of them is suitable for me.
> In my dissect function I'm receiving a buffer that consist of 32 bytes - this 
> is one frame. Each byte of this frame is called timeslot, and enumerated from 
> 0 to 31, e.g timeslot0, timeslot1, ....
> Each timeslot can be divided into several sub-channels, for example bits 0 -1 
> from timeslot0 will be sub-channel1, bits 2-3 will be sub-channel2, and so 
> on, it's like applying bit mask on timeslot(0xC  for sub-channel1, 0x30 for 
> sub-channel2, ...).
> To collect data of some sub-channel, we must take certain amount of bits at 
> certain offset from the beginning of the frame, add them to buffer and 
> continue doing this for each frame we have captured.
> Fragment disassembling is not applicable here because concatenation of two 
> frames will not be helpful.
> Segment fragmentation is also not applicable because here work must be done 
> with bits.
> So can someone make some suggestions how to implement reassembling for this 
> protocol?
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