
 From http://wiki.wireshark.org/Lua/Dissectors :

"Like dissectors written in C, Lua dissectors can use Wireshark's 
ability to reassemble TCP streams:

     * To not use TCP reassembly, make your Lua dissector function 
return nothing (nil) or 0 (in case dissector can't dissect packet).
     * To request reassembly via the pinfo struct as described in 
README.developers, set pinfo.desegment_len and pinfo.desegment_offset 
(works from Wireshark 1.1.2)."


Morita, Bill wrote:
> I am writing a Lua dissector for a streaming protocol that may spread a 
> “record” over several TCP packets.
> What is a reasonable approach to take with this type of situation??
> Thanks in advance.
> ---------------
> Bill Morita
> Cube 1040
> 503-495-9513
> bill.mor...@arrisi.com

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